Highest miles you have seen on an nsx?

4 February 2010

what is the highest miles u have ever seen on an NSX? 200K miles? 300K? any proof with pix of odometer?

the nsx is known as the reliable and easy to own japanese answer to the italian supercars so i was wondering what is the highest miles u guys have seen. i haven't seen online of any nsx with over 150K miles yet.

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The two highest mileage odo pics I have seen are the one with over 500,000 kilometers(over 300K miles) and the one that was for sale recently with 409K miles on it.
sometime this year a guy posted this pic,, I saved it cuz it was so cool
thanks guys!

this gives me hope. i want to enjoy driving the snot out of mine and take crazy good care of it. i don't believe in garage queens.

my goal is to have the best looking high mileage car around. gonna put a new clear bra on the front every 4 or so years to keep the paint in good shape and keep on driving.

anybody with odometer pix of their high mileage nsx they care to post?
the everlasting high mileage gauranteed joy of a honda........priceless!!!!!!!!
NSX2398 what gear were you in,, cuz your oil gauge was real low doing 60 mph? or were you shifting? to another gear? what year is yours?
NSX2398 what gear were you in,, cuz your oil gauge was real low doing 60 mph? or were you shifting? to another gear? what year is yours?
Car is a '91. I was in 5th gear and cruising at 60 mph. It fluctuates and is twice that on occasions but it's been like that for 8+ years and 70k miles. I think I have the low oil pressure problem that is often discussed on here.

I had to have the oil pressure idiot light pressure sensor replaced at the dealership a couple of years ago, so while they were at it, I had them check the pressure with a gauge and they said it was ok. But on occasion when it's warm at idle it will drop to almost zero and then come up again but the idiot light doesn't come on so it's kind of nice to have two separate ways to check for low pressure. When the idiot light pressure sensor failed, I was in the middle of nowhere so it was nice to know that the gauge was still showing decent pressure.
I just ticked over 220,000 about three days ago. Planning a few trips to CA in a probably futile effort to catch Hugh (not really, but the thought briefly crossed my mind).

If that ever happens, I will probably have to name my car out of deference to Charlotte :wink:
Saw the car at Autowave....seriously thought about buying it just to have the highest mileage NSX and the highest hp NSX in one garage. DD and garage queen problem would be solved.:smile: No matter what, will try to get this car for NSXPO 2010 display!