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HID conversion

Better yet talk with Cris at Science OF Speed or look it up yourself.
There are other options as well HID for less is another place you can find them for around 460.00 plus shipping
you can buy a brand new set on Ebay for about $365 shipped... go search for it.... i saw it there few times...

you need 9006 12k
Saw a referral on another forum for Mister Jung
User was happy with the results. I was impressed by lack of glitzy marketing associated with cheap low-quality kits and these use quality Hella components. Additionally, there is no BS about higher temp is better, brighter - he clearly states that the higher temps result in less lumens, but just create color tint.
All-in-all looks like an excellent package for $379 shipped! Not exactly plug n play, still need to drill holes in the caps, but not a huge deal considering. I'm waiting for feedback from him regarding grommet weather seal for the cap.
No affiliation etc etc.............
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