Hi St.Louis NSXers

nuccaJB said:
Rusty rotors and krull rims in the reflection... don't forget about the dungeon style garage. He needs to do a search and then call the magic garage man in town... Matteni! :biggrin: No more concrete walls, only high quality pin stripped dry wall! Call me if you want to dry wall, I did my bathroom and I am now an amateur and am willing to trade drywall work for a ride in your car!

trust me my car is not the one to ride in :rolleyes: Now the bike is a different story. I had a dragon in the garage, but he complained i made to much noise in the bedroom!!!!!
KO what about those ugly AZZ (Krull) wheels reflected in the door of your car? Just put those on, then you can go off roading...:smile:

Len you You made me laugh and pepsi went up my nose! :biggrin:

Damn I knew that Krull thing was gonna start!!!!!!!!! :biggrin: Its still funny. Where the hell did you get the pic????????? :eek: