Hi. new guy here. looking for some info before i get my own nsx

28 September 2007
hi to all :)

im just gonna start from the begging here. im from norway. so if my english is bad im sorry.

i have decided to buy me an nsx.
but i have som questions about the car first. (tried to find answers on the forum)

im looking for a 91-92 nsx with 2002 front.
cause of the taxes in norway are so high. so i have to pay like 20 000 usd just in taxes on a 1991

then the questions begin

1. is it any cutting to get the new front conversion? if it is. is it alot?

2. my plan is to buy a widebody kit from scienceofspeed. but is the rear fenders wellded or screewd on?
cause i want to get the car orginal if i need to. (police in norway dont like widebody :P )


so i was wondering if its like this. take the old rear fender off and place the new one? or do i have to glue it over the old?

3. is this widebodykit from scienceofspeed any good?http://scienceofspeed.com/products/exterior_performance_products/NSX/Cantrell_Concepts/wide_body_conversion/JGTC-Series/default.asp

i want to have it in exposed CFRP

again sorry if my english is bad

thx for your time.
1) I believed I read on Prime that it can be done without any cutting.
2) The original fender is bolted on as I recall seeing the bolts when I opened the engine cover and the trunk.
3) Don't know, sorry.
I believe some modification is needed for the '02 headlamps. That looks like a Marga Hills wide-body rear panel, which is what I have. Mine is being installed right now, and my bodyman told me it fits pretty good. It's FG so some fitting o nthe edges to smoothen out the lines may be needed. Bolts on yes, so having it being FG, no welding.
Please note that the picture in your post is the Taitec wide rear fenders (I have them). They are bolt on and require some fitting (they are not a perfect fit). However, they allow you to keep your stock side skirts because they are made to fit with them. In fact they will blend into all the rest of your body panels, although I would think they would look funny without matching widebody parts.

The wide fenders in the actualy SO link are the Cantrell Concepts wide rear fenders. They are a very similar to the Marga Hill wide rear fenders. However, the Cantrell Concepts wider rear fenders are NOT compatible with the stock side skirts. They require the matching side skirts or they will have a over-hanging gap. So it's not an easy bolt swap.
yeah i know. i just used it to ilustrate what i meant.

but SOS couldnt deliver the kit i wanted in exposed cfrp :(

so i have to find something else then.

any sugestion?