Hey, NSX owners, how is your car perceived?

Absoutely not (at least here in the Motor City). I have owned three over the course of 10 years. Almost universally, the car is overlooked, except by 18-24 year old males (in particular, valet parkers) who obsess over the car. Disappointing, but true.

I feel the same way. Everytime I see one on the road, people do not look twice unless they are yellow or maybe red. Forget about it with dark colors.
I get plenty of attention when I'm out driving around, both in my black '91 and my silver '02. I had an elderly gentleman in his '80s roll down his window today at an intersection and ask me what kind of car it was. I told him, and he said "wow, that's a real nice car." I thought it was sorta cool to have someone his age oogling over my car. :smile:
That doesn't sound fun at all. I guess the bright side is that your car is still unique amongst the others, despite their poor taste :wink: . Maybe I will run into you at the Chattanooga (sp?) event. Assuming I can get my schedule clear for that unpleasantly long drive up.
I don't know much about that event. Is there slots still available? It would be cool to meet with some of you guys so i may try to attend. Yes the car is unique here in memphis. I have only seen one other here and it belongs to to my friend fifthearth (prime name).
I think that if you are buying a car for attention, well that is pretty bogus.:wink:

Look if I was buying a car to blend in, I sure as hell would not be buying a car with huge vents on the side, an integrated, sexy as hell rear spoiler, and a body layout that mimics other rear engined exotics like ferrari, lambo, etc...

Surely, if i wanted to blend in they're much better cars for that. Hyundai, Ford Taurus, Accord all come to mind. And if I just wanted performance then their are a bunch of cars that outperform the NSX and are a lot cheaper.

I'm buying an NSX because when I see a clean one drive by it makes me stop and drool. I feel that cars are pieces of art and should be admired. And unlike a lot of great looking cars, there have not been enough NSX's seen, (imo) to have tamed the thrill one gets from seeing a car with such an extreme body design like the NSX.

Maybe I'm weird but with things that i'm truly passionate about, like cars, I actually do want people to notice and maybe get an inkling of thrill that I get when I see something as striking as an NSX drive by.
I think that if you are buying a car for attention, well that is pretty bogus.:wink:

My opinion is that if you are buying a car for attention, then you are buying the car for the wrong reason (my opinion only). However, it is hard not to attract attention in a NSX. One way to minimize attention is drive at the flow of traffic, and not zig-zag in & out of traffic. The NSX will get attention. That is part of owning a NSX. Just today, I was exiting off the freeway and stop at the off ramp stop light. A gentleman in his mid 50's stop next to me and asked "what do you have under the hood, a V12?" I guess he is thinking my NSX is one of those V12 exotics. I told him, its only got a V6, not the fastest, but fast enough for me. The NSX definitely have that exotic car look; furthermore, it has a timeless design (like the Lamborghini Countach).
Attention is a funny thing. I have found that by far the largest demographic that pays attention is 9 year old boys. My son & his friends just about fall off their feet with "Awesome", "Cool", that kind of thing.

Beyond that, most people are oblivious while a few people of every demographic "get" the car. Car people come from every walk of life I guess.
I think that if you are buying a car for attention, well that is pretty bogus.:wink:

Umm, whatever...:wink:

My opinion is that if you are buying a car for attention, then you are buying the car for the wrong reason (my opinion only). However, it is hard not to attract attention in a NSX. One way to minimize attention is drive at the flow of traffic, and not zig-zag in & out of traffic. The NSX will get attention. That is part of owning a NSX. Just today, I was exiting off the freeway and stop at the off ramp stop light. A gentleman in his mid 50's stop next to me and asked "what do you have under the hood, a V12?" I guess he is thinking my NSX is one of those V12 exotics. I told him, its only got a V6, not the fastest, but fast enough for me. The NSX definitely have that exotic car look; furthermore, it has a timeless design (like the Lamborghini Countach).

So, under this logic, anyone who bought an exotic sports car, from the NSX to a Lambo to an F-Car, bought it for the wrong reason. Part of the appeal of driving an exotic looking car is because it's..............................EXOTIC.

NOTE: I said "PART" of the reason. We all have other reasons for buying the NSX. For some it was because they drove one and fell in love with the "feel" of the NSX. For others, it was the ultimate Honda. For others, it was a great bargain exotic sports car, etc. etc. In my case, it was all of the above.

To say that buying the car for attention is 'for the wrong reasons' is also saying buying the car because it's a beautiful eye-catching exotic is 'for the wrong reasons'. This logic makes no sense:confused: . I bought my NSX because she looks good and drives better. I hold no illusions that she doesn't attract attention and will not try and convince myself that I am in error for having purchased her knowing I would get said attention.
Umm, whatever...:wink:

So, under this logic, anyone who bought an exotic sports car, from the NSX to a Lambo to an F-Car, bought it for the wrong reason. Part of the appeal of driving an exotic looking car is because it's..............................EXOTIC.

NOTE: I said "PART" of the reason. We all have other reasons for buying the NSX. For some it was because they drove one and fell in love with the "feel" of the NSX. For others, it was the ultimate Honda. For others, it was a great bargain exotic sports car, etc. etc. In my case, it was all of the above.

To say that buying the car for attention is 'for the wrong reasons' is also saying buying the car because it's a beautiful eye-catching exotic is 'for the wrong reasons'. This logic makes no sense:confused: . I bought my NSX because she looks good and drives better. I hold no illusions that she doesn't attract attention and will not try and convince myself that I am in error for having purchased her knowing I would get said attention.

That's not what I meant. I mean you should at least like the car that you are buying first. If it get attention, that's fine.
When my car was being unloaded from the hauler some guy in a new corvette did a u-turn and came back to see the car. He said "is that a ferrari?" :frown: A couple of people mentioned people trying to race them and that is what i expected. But i have been pleasantly surprised that i have had many people in "rice rockets" catch up to me on the road, but they never try to race. They just look at the car or give a thumbs up. True the younger generation do give alot of attention to the car but it also comes from anyone with a true love of automobiles. Even the people from other car forums that post how they don't like the NSX will check it out. It seems that most kids love cars, just some of us never grow out of it.

And no it is not a ferrari or lambo, It's better. It's a NSX :biggrin:

Are you on MRS? :D
There are so many NSXs around L.A. that I'm not surprised our cars rarely get looks around here.

Then again, it does happen. Last night I was checking my rear view mirror while driving home from work when I noticed an Accord sedan full of people (couldn't tell what age) accelerating quickly from behind (they must have been driving at double the posted speed limit). I figured they were just going to fly by, but the sedan, as it pulled alongside, matched my speed for a few blocks. I noticed that all of the passengers were just staring (and the driver was periodically stealing looks) before the sedan got caught behind traffic. Definitely the NSX still has the attention of many Honda / Acura fans.
My opinion is that if you are buying a car for attention, then you are buying the car for the wrong reason (my opinion only).

Funny how the reason I sold the car was because of too much attention! (jk jk, only because I wanted an '04+) Everytime I am out for dinner trying to parallel park in dt area people start starring and even have people walk straight up to the front of the car while I was parking, especially Japanese girls. Kinda bothers me from time to time but the x is just too rare in Canada you can't help it.
hmm in a two day period in south jersey, I got "the wave" from a fellow NSX'er in my neighborhood, heard countless "omg an nsx!", had one guy lean out of his car to yell forward "what the heck is that?! ferrari?", another pulled up along side to yell "beautiful car!", and finally an suv full of high school girls pulled up next to it at a light and promptly went banannas. I thought i was going to be dodging underwear for a minute!

now then a few notes, I'm 25, not particularly good looking, and I purchased this car purely from an enthusiast standpoint. I never would have guessed the kind of attention it gets, kinda wish the daytona was similarly popular. maybe then it wouldnt be like pulling teeth to find parts
As I was dropping my NSX off at Premier today, a middle-age woman came up and said, "nice car, is that a Corvette? I told her politely that it is a NSX, not a "Corvette. She said, "who made that?" I told her "Honda made it". She said, "I didn't know Honda makes a cool car like this".
Some guy on friday thought my car was an 08 vette, obviously not a car guy. When I told him it was 15 years old he couldn't believe it.
That's not what I meant. I mean you should at least like the car that you are buying first. If it get attention, that's fine.

Gotchya! I owe you a beer! :biggrin:

There are so many NSXs around L.A. that I'm not surprised our cars rarely get looks around here.

Then again, it does happen. Last night I was checking my rear view mirror while driving home from work when I noticed an Accord sedan full of people (couldn't tell what age) accelerating quickly from behind (they must have been driving at double the posted speed limit). I figured they were just going to fly by, but the sedan, as it pulled alongside, matched my speed for a few blocks. I noticed that all of the passengers were just staring (and the driver was periodically stealing looks) before the sedan got caught behind traffic. Definitely the NSX still has the attention of many Honda / Acura fans.

Honda Fans definitely appreciate the NSX. I think Grand Turismo, as a previous poster mentioned, gave the NSX a younger fanbase. There have been many times where I'm cruising somewhere with alot of people and someone asks if they can take a picture, or I hear someone say "Whoa that's an NSX". I was shocked when last weekend, while cruising on South Beach (Now imagine the kind of cars you see on a Friday night in South Beach, Miami), I had a guy step out into the road to take a picture of my car despite having a Bentley GT in front of me, and a Covette ZO6 behind me. :confused:

Funny how the reason I sold the car was because of too much attention! (jk jk, only because I wanted an '04+) Everytime I am out for dinner trying to parallel park in dt area people start starring and even have people walk straight up to the front of the car while I was parking, especially Japanese girls. Kinda bothers me from time to time but the x is just too rare in Canada you can't help it.

I want pretty Japanese girls to stare at my car too :frown:
I don't notice it much anymore but whenever a friend rides with me they are always like "whoa everyone is looking at us" or "those guys are taking pictures."

We've even had the occasional flash from girls in other cars which is always a bonus. :tongue: But most girls don't notice or care unless they are with their boyfriends or husbands and then it is just awkward.

One friend of mine said "riding in this thing is like being on stage."

the best are the kids at the gas stations who say "see dad, I told you it wasn't a corvette (or ferrari)" --- kids are great! The worst are the rednecks in pickups that want to race or yelling at you.

Sometimes when I've had a rough day and I just want to get out and drive, the attention bothers me. People want to talk to you at lights, gas stations, race you, whatever and sometimes I'm not in the mood.
It all depends on location. I recently went north to Rodeo Dr. and saw more Ferrari's than Civics.

There are a lot of ferraris and other exotics around here but I think the rarity of the NSX is what draws so much attention. Not like "OMG it's an NSX!!" attention but "OMG What is that!?!" kind of attention. This even happens at cars shows with all kinds of badass cars.

Sure, vettes are cool and very fast but you see a dozen a day there's no more wow factor. Same with other cars.... but even I get excited to see another NSX (even while in my NSX) because I just never see them on the road unless we're having a meet/cruise.
My car gets alot of looks but rarely any second takes. It doesn't have the WOW OMG DROOLING factor that a Lambo and Ferrari receive. Whenever I see an Italian exotic I find myself wiping off the drool from my face, especially when I see a Murcielago :eek:

Like this <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/OUhZZLt07d4"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/OUhZZLt07d4" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
Its funny - I was sitting in line waiting to get into my parking deck last night while tons of people were coming out of the Velvet Room in K-Town..... tons of hot drunk asian girls.... this one BMW X5 that was full of them rolled past me and was screaming "wooooooo sexy car!! I like your car!!!!!" haha then of course I had to say "Get in I'll take you for a spin!" lol ..... then they took off screaming.... pretty funny..

There was actually 2 other NSX's in the parking lot last night.. a 91 silver and a custom orange color... with a wings west body kit and volk rims.... I was the only white dude anywhere near there haha

Then I saw a new Evo 9? pull out of the lot... sounded pretty mean... so I couldn't resist to go have some fun.... ;) I actually got several compliments from the evo driver....