Here's my 20,000th post!

4 February 2000
Chicago IL
Y 2K plus a zero :biggrin: Thanks for the insight, good and bad advise :eek: Ken you are the MAN :tongue:

You know 20,000 posts is more than some of the nsxprime sub-forums posts.

I say, we open a new subforum with all ken's posts, say between General motorsport discussion and off topic, and call it "Wise words from Nsxtasy" :biggrin:
Congratulations Ken!
Thanks for all of your contributions, which help us to enjoy our beloved NSXs more.
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So, all it took was a mere 3 years for you to post 10,000 times!?

Coincidentally, that was also the brief period I have stepped away from Prime. :redface:

It was only a month ago I have started lurking around again and I am certainly glad to be back in-time for this Special Moment.:biggrin:

In fact, I have a How to lure nsxtasy to his 20000th post Draft made ready just in case you might clock at 19,999 Posts and keep us waiting like last time.:wink:

Congratulations, Ken!!
Ski_Banker said:
I just clicked "Find all posts by user" and my computer crashed! :biggrin:

So that's why prime was slow earlier. :biggrin:

Congrats, that's mucho posts!!!
Congratulations Ken!

Your advice is always much appreciated mate!

I am also impressed at your prediction back back in 2003...
The REAL nsxtasy said:
As you can see underneath my avatar, I started posting to NSXprime when the forums were first introduced, in February 2000. So the answer to your question is, 40 months, averaging 250 posts/month. Which mean that I should hit 20000 in late 2006.

Incidentally, I started posting to the NSX e-mail lists in May 1996; they were started in December 1994.

And remember this...

I feel like I'm on an episode of...

Ken Sax... This is your life..

Seriously, I couldn't imagine visiting this site as much as I do if you didn't post anymore Ken... Cheers... Here's to 40,000 posts!!!
:eek: On average of 9 posts per day, since the year 2000.. You certainly do not get laid much, if at all. That would require, more time off work, then at work to read so many threads, and be able to post that many times.

Well, then again, you probably work on a computer, so that explains the boredum induced post whoring. I'm sure you contribute plenty, it's just incredible that somebody could devote so much time to an internet forum.

(Just joking, dont have a heart attack.) :wink:

If I knew you better, I'd buy you a vacation, and a personal assistant to keep you from using a computer at any time during that vacation. No really, I would. Take a break pal, you owe it to yourself.
clr1024 said:
Congratulations.:biggrin: Who is the next closest person in posts to Ken?
NetViper at 8,170 haha. it isn't even a contest at this point.

In the time it takes you to read this, NSXTASY has posted 3 more times.

In the time it takes you find and read his 3 new posts, he's added 2 more.

NSXTASY posts more before 8am than most Marines post all day.

Lud has three dedicated employees that do nothing more than monitor NSXTASY's posts.

The FAQ section is a direct HTML link to NSXTASY's cerebral cortex.

The search feature runs more slowly at night when NSXTASY is in doze mode.

Keep it up... :biggrin:
I think the most interesting part of the postcounter at any forum is the "posts per day ratio" which is at 8.38 posts per day for nsxtasy over 6 years. That is pretty impressive and on the other hand pretty geek'ish. :)

Congratulations. :tongue: :D
track-mile per post?!? btw, congratz'!?!

There should be a countdown-till-HSC/NSX_replacement based on number of nsxtasy posts to come... :biggrin: needs a "nsxtasy" article/page, or the "nsx" entry needs an annotation along the lines of:

"nsxtasy is the most prolific poster on the most popular and competent NSX forum on the planet, His near-exhaustive knowledge and acumen for the NSX as well as his unconditional desire to offer invaluable insight is unrivalled in the English-speaking world."
Congrats, Ken!

Damn, nsxtasy has 10x as many posts as me. If this ratio holds, by the time I hit 20,000, Ken will be at 200,000...scary!
20,000 posts!!
i'd have that many, if the prime admin had not deleted them ...:wink:

good job ken!!
akira3d said:
Damn, nsxtasy has 10x as many posts as me. If this ratio holds, by the time I hit 20,000, Ken will be at 200,000...scary!
At 250 posts per month, that will occur in the year 2066. Make sure my grave is wired with power to a laptop I can use.