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WOW that's quite a statement right there...:rolleyes:

Heh, you like that one John? That is a jem. Anyways, I know I've heard this story before.

Default Help!!!
In June of 2005 my supercharged engine failed for the third time.There have been various explanations for each failure (split second box/etc.)
I have had my car down with my local mechanic (the one who installed the SC)for 1 year and 9 months and either he does not have the motivation or capability to finish my car.The mechanic I am talking about keeps telling me is almost done with it but of course he is never true to his word and appears he really has no intention of finishing it.For over a year he stored the car away from his shop in an OUTDOOR and UNCOVERED storage lot.I dropped in one day to check on the progress of my NSX and found in a disgusting state.The car looked like it had been stored outside in the AZ desert getting rained on with the WINDOWS DOWN the custom Gewalt wheels and the stereo had been stolen.Of course he didn't inform me or call the police.There is much more but I will end my rat there.

I am looking for a mechanic to put my car back together and an attorney to advise me of my options to recover my damages and stolen property.I will post pictures as soon as I can get it figured out.Prepare yourself the pictures are shocking.

Thank You,



I am sorry to hear of your problems. While I can appreciate the earlier product development issues... at first glance a 21 month BBSC fix now finally ending like this is pretty much a self describing CRM snafu. What else is to say other than it sounds like you got intentionally strung out. Obviously he totally dropped the ball here, has zero desire to remedy it or make you whole, and probably no longer shares your project enthusiasm. As a consequence, you have been sitting on the back burner in your own back yard wondering whats next. I have no doubt that this is but one data point of why many walked away.

It sounds like a whole bag of issues here that has gotten way too long on the tooth, until finally spilling out here. I wish I could tell you that this type of incident was some how unusual in car communities, but the reality is that you don't have to talk import tuning very long to find those of less than USMC caliber turning wrench in any forum. Mistakes are ok, but people do need to pay for them. I will go out on a limb and say you didn't drop your NSX off in that state on day one.

I'm sure others here in the NSX community would be happy to assist you in anyway possible and steer you towards the appropriate follow-up; having had similar incidents in the past with wanna-be tuners. :frown:

Your pictures are not visible- would it be possible for you to make them viewable? Further, don't dance around... could you post up a more detailed explanation of events on the 'mechanic', the BBSC failures, any verbal or written agreement you had with this business, or other supporting facts? I know it must be a lot of dirt given such a long time scale, but also the specific events leading up to the parts theft and later retrieval of your vehicle would be definitely helpful. The more you tell, the better members can help you get through this and and move on.

Best Regards,

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The pictures are on an identical thread, here:


I see that, oh delivered Larry Garcia style. :wink:

Anyways, way too much speculation on the other thread for my taste. Attacking customer's credibility over the internet is easy. That doesn't phase me as it happens here everyday and I've been there myself. Shady individuals or poor vendors hiding behind a few good deeds is always more concerning as it is on-going.

Thus, I'll always give a customers story the benefit of the doubt until proved otherwise. I think the rest of you should to. Look at John Hennessey, I know a local guy with a venom that thinks he should be ordained a priest too. Their will always be some degree of following that will dissent no matter how over whelming the evidence. Not a happy customer does a good business make, batting averages do count.

Wayne, don't let it bug you out. I actually had the same thing happen to me with my engine at one of the 'club nationally recognized' Miata performance tuners. Months and months the car sat, and the forum weenies attacked me at even the hint the guy was a moron. Now two years hence and fifty situations later everyone conceeds he is a total loser. The inevitable reality was he had completely diagnosed an oil leak wrong, billed me out the kazoo, and just left me with a basket case sitting endlessly hoping I would just quietly go away. This guy literally sent my head off to be machined when it turned out to be a nick behind the crank pulley. A very well known SCCA national spec miata racer came to my rescue, and had my engine swapped and car on the track in 24 hours. This happens more than it should in every car forum.

Stick to what we know. Their aren't enough facts to draw conclusions either way thus far. Facts first, opinions second.
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Not to make light of the situation but didn't you state in your first post that the stereo had been stolen? In one of those pics it is clearly shown??:confused:
Anyway, I hate to hear about your bad luck with this '#1 Basch' expert and 'reputable' technician. I hope it works out for the best.
I kinda agree with some of the other posters though. Since you are local to the shop it was being 'fixed'(lol), why didn't you drop by once in a while and check on it?
I know when I was having my problems with my car being broke, I was on the phone all the time with the parties responsible for paying for the repairs. Now keep in mind, my car WASN'T at the shop I was calling because I had a very bad feeling something like this would happen to me also. I was smart enough to contact some truly honest and trustworthy NSXCA officials and found a shop that took care of me. It sat at their location for ~6 mos waiting on approval for repairs, parts, etc.
The repair shop isn't local to me but it is a LOT closer than the alternative.
As for the other poster stating that if the shop doesn't let him come and personally watch the work being done on the car then he doesn't let them do it. That to me is a little silly. If you don't trust the shop enough to let them repair your car WITHOUT you being there, then you shouldn't take it to them to begin with.
I took mine to this same shop again recently for install of headers and left it overnight and a blank check to do the job. I have total confidence in every person working there that it will be done right. No doubt.
I've yet to hear a single bad or negative comment about my shop of choice either.
Man, i am sorry to hear this wayne. I wish you the best of luck.

12AMNSX - I don't see how you can say he is bashing mark basch since he never mentioned who in his three posts. It may be obvious to some but if he was bashing, mark's name would have been in the title and every sentence. :wink:
12AMNSX - I don't see how you can say he is bashing mark basch since he never mentioned who in his three posts. It may be obvious to some but if he was bashing, mark's name would have been in the title and every sentence. :wink:

You are right. He doesn't name Mark directly, but most can figure it out by his posts and the replies. He definitely talks about MB in his other threads. So yes, although he doesn't mention Mark directly, it's pretty obvious who he is talking about. Frankly, I would have more respect for his story if he used names instead of beating around the basch, errrr bush. :smile: I, like many others, have had nothing but good experiences working with MB. But as I stated, we don't know the other side of the story. And I don't want to know. If Wayne has an issue with MB, he should resolve it directly with MB. If he wants to get referrals for mechanics and attorneys, then he should ask for them. But when he veils his requests in a thinly disguised smack at MB, I lose respect.
No Offense to you, but I believe either you are a fool or you're pulling my chain. You are either not interested in your asset value or just an idiot. I'm new to this group and I believe you threaders are discussing real topics or I just can't waste my time.

What kind of person let's this happen?

I want to reply to serious owners!! Is this forum for real?

Look at that ride....

I think this is bull crap.

No Offense to you, but I believe either you are a fool or you're pulling my chain. You are either not interested in your asset value or just an idiot. I'm new to this group and I believe you threaders are discussing real topics or I just can't waste my time.

What kind of person let's this happen?

I want to reply to serious owners!! Is this forum for real?

Look at that ride....

I think this is bull crap.


Dude, you are brand new to this forum, enhance your calm.
Thanks for the responses. Most of which were constructive.It looks like I have a mechanic and an attorney to help rectify the problem.

Thanks for the responses. Most of which were constructive.It looks like I have a mechanic and an attorney to help rectify the problem.
That's great for you, I hope everything works out as it should. Can you help the rest of us out...looking for closure on these unanswered questions...

they stole your rims and put stock ones back on?

Not to make light of the situation but didn't you state in your first post that the stereo had been stolen? In one of those pics it is clearly shown??:confused:

BTW, there is writing on your windshield that says 3/28/06 MVD 2104. What is this? Does MVD mean Motor Vehicle Department? And the date is 06. Was your car running on that date?
Rims were stolen while the mechanic stored the car somewhere away from his shop.He states he put the stock wheels on it so he could move it back to his shop.

Stereo,subwoofer,amp,speakers and radar detector were stolen while under his care.

The car was not running on the date written on the windshield.I have no idea where that writing came from.

I just found out this mechanic took it upon himself to give my old engine away to settle a debt with someone.Unfortunately for that person the engine had a broken crankshaft (engine not rebuildable)and is unusable.That person is not very happy.


Having been in a similar scenario myself, I can tell you that most are in disbelief how an owner can leave their car with someone for so long without inspection.

When you are told it will be ready in certain time, you wait anxiously. Before you now it weeks becomes months, month becomes years. My ordeal 3 long years, 2 different so called reputable shop. Did I mention the countless agony, anxiety, depression, and disappointment in people.

In the end, I bought a used super low mile motor and installed it myself. Bought a CTSC. Jon Martin (Cerritos Acura, So Cal) installed the CTSC and made everything right again. Couldn't be more happy.

Rims were stolen while the mechanic stored the car somewhere away from his shop.He states he put the stock wheels on it so he could move it back to his shop.

Stereo,subwoofer,amp,speakers and radar detector were stolen while under his care.


So I wonder how many times the shop, or at least your car was vandalized. It looks like at least twice. Once to get the rims and destroy dash, then again to actually get the radio? I didn't realize there was that big of a market for a OEM NSX sound system. I probably should've kept all my old stuff and sold it here instead of giving away the radio and trashing the other components.