Help with O2 sensor....PLEASE

30 August 2005
So Cal
Hey guys, a couple of weeks ago my check engine light came on so I checked the CEL code and found that it was P0133 (O2 Sensor, CKT Slow Response, Bank 1 Sensor 1). I reset the code and all was fine. Last night the check engine light came on again and it was the same code:mad: . I am now going to replace the O2 sensor, but I need to know where the sensor is located. The car is a 99’ so I know it has 4 O2 sensors, but where in the heck is bank 1 sensor 1:confused: ? Unfortunately, I only have the service manual for a 91’ so it doesn’t do me much good in this case. I called 2 dealers to try to find the location and both of them said they really didn’t know and they needed a part number to get me the correct one. The dealers also said the price ranges from $215.00 - $255.00 depending on which one I need. Do those prices seem reasonable?

Can someone please post a picture or explain in detail where Bank 1 Sensor 1 is located? Also, does anyone know the part number of this sensor?

Thank you all in advance for taking the time to help me!!
I've found decent prices at Depending on brand, you could pay as much as $165 for one, based on a quick search. I think bank 1 is the rearward bank. The sensor will be somewhere along the exhaust pipe between the head and the cat. A little spark plug-sized item threaded into a boss, and with a wire harness coming out of it. Where's the sensor on the '91?
Thank you everyone for your help! I really like the prices from some of the websites you guys posted but I always thought O2 sensors were something you really needed to get from the dealer (OEM). Are the sensors from any different from that of the factory? Thanks again for you help.
An O2 sensor is an O2 sensor. Even generic ones will work, though often you have to splice on the harness connector from the old unit. I usually find quality to be better in OEM units for all things, so I'm willing to pay more for OEM with the O2s as well.
Daedalus said:
An O2 sensor is an O2 sensor.

Not quite. There are different 02 sensor types. A 1999 car has different 02 sensors then a 1991. If you go to you cannot use the $60 version in a 1999 car.

They basically sell two configurations. Either pigtail wires you need to butt splice, or you can pay additionally to get one with the OEM type connector already on the sensor and it is plug and play. Some applications are only offered in the P&P config.

Larry Bastanza said:
Not quite. There are different 02 sensor types. A 1999 car has different 02 sensors then a 1991. If you go to you cannot use the $60 version in a 1999 car.

They basically sell two configurations. Either pigtail wires you need to butt splice, or you can pay additionally to get one with the OEM type connector already on the sensor and it is plug and play. Some applications are only offered in the P&P config.


would you recommend going with the OEM type connector from or would you go with one from the dealer?
Thank you.
Larry Bastanza said:
Not quite. There are different 02 sensor types. A 1999 car has different 02 sensors then a 1991. If you go to you cannot use the $60 version in a 1999 car.
I was referring to the generic ones listed on Why would a site offer a unit that doesn't work with the vehicle specified?
Hi Daedalus,

The site does have the correct ones listed for their specific year. My point was that there are two differnt types and if you orderd the $60 generic one w/splicing required, it will not work with a 1999, even though it is a four wire. You will need to buy the later version with the connector, and I beleive that is about $100 + shipping.

It was clear to me that you understood that, but I thought your reference "An O2 sensor is an O2 sensor" might be a little confusing and Semnos_NSX may have ordered those:). Ask me how I know this CAN happen:wink:.


OEM List $243 about $108

Any Questions;)
