Help with my sunroof!

24 June 2003
Rochester, NY
I have a 1990 Honda Prelude that seems to have the drain holes for the sunroof pluggled up. Now whenever it rains I get a few gallons of cold water dumped on my head, back, seat, passenger seat, etc as I come to a stop from all of the water that has accumulated *in* the roof.

I don't know where the drian holes for the sunroof are or where they are located; let alone how to fix this. Any ideas/suggstions would be GREATLY apprecaited!


Most sunroof drain tubes end in the trunk, pull back the carpeting and see if you can locate it. If it's not there, it's probably located near the firewall.
There should be 4 drains. Two go down the inside of the windshield pillars. The other two go down the quarter pillars and exit at the bottom of the quarter down at the rocker.
Find the holes at the corners of the inner sunroof aperature and squirt plenty of 409 down there and follow with a air gun, with a nozzel, at about 20-30 psi.. Blow down each one at a time.
You should see the black gunk and stuff coming out on the ground.
Follow by running water, a gentle flow while the top is open, just fill the aperature and not the interior :) to see if it is solved.