Help with fraud in Toronto?

People have been known to use pictures of another, (hopefully) similar car (with OR without permission) in putting a car up for sale.

Just because the same photos are used in listings on two different sites, doesn't necessarily mean it's the same car. Maybe, but maybe not.
Here is the link to
They are the company that hosted the picture to the Viper that you paid the deposit for. Their phone number is 1-800-987-3249. I'd give them a call to see if they can locate or give you contact information about the seller.

Good Luck!
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
People have been known to use pictures of another, (hopefully) similar car (with OR without permission) in putting a car up for sale.

Just because the same photos are used in listings on two different sites, doesn't necessarily mean it's the same car. Maybe, but maybe not.

Yes, I agree that is a very common pratice on ebay. But if the dealer have to do business that way, I would natually think the dealer doesn't have the car. What is the pupose of showing me the pictures of another viper. We all know how the viper looks like.
Heybeckertb any news yet?
I wonder if the vin # given on ebay is the same as the car that Auotfourm has listed?
Even if you do the exchange US to CAN at say 50% $50.000 only gives you $75.000 a far cry from $99.000
Man...and I thought my experience with Premier Sportscars was bad.

Hope everything works out for you and that you get the Viper or your deposit $$$ back.
OK Guys. Here's the scoop as best I can determine thus far.

A guy (we'll call him Keith Walker, that's what he always used as a name [though it's fake]) collected significant information on a number of cars. He then emailed an ebay member asking her to construct an online website to post these and place them on ebay for advertisement (which he would then reimburse her). She used the information to construct a webpage on Ebiz. He then used a fake business name at a fake address; however, he used a valid phone number for which he was available to discuss the details of the cars. He even was able to get additional detailed photos of specific parts when I requested them. We came to an agreement on price. I wired him funds as a deposit (20% of the agreed upon price). The Ebay auction was ended. He informed me that he received them. After a few days after the car was not received, several calls were made. I haven't been able to reach this guy since. I have contacted the authorities, several days later, there are at least 4 other people that have been scammed by this guy to the tune of over $50,000. The bank has tried to recall funds. The money is gone. The account is drained. They have not yet found him, and even if they do, the chances of getting any $ back are poor. Autoforum does have the car. They obviously did not receive any funds, and although sympathetic, do not feel financially responsible.

So, point of this: don't be too trusting. Never give someone money for a car until it is in your driveway, keys in your hands and title signed and given to you.

More frustrated than you all can imagine,

If you reached him at a valid phone number then he still may be traceable. Someone needed identification to set up a phone account, whether it be landline or cell phone provider.

When you have called the number since then does it ring through or do you get an automated message? If it rings through it would indicate that the account is still "active" until such time as, undoubtedly, the next bill is not paid and the service is cut off.

If you want to email me the info including the phone number I could have one of my private investigators try to do a search for you to see if it can be traced.

When you have called the number since then does it ring through or do you get an automated message?

When calling the numbers now, they both are forwarded to an automated voice answering service. It states that the mailbox is full and then I am cut off.

If you want to email me the info including the phone number I could have one of my private investigators try to do a search for you to see if it can be traced.

That is VERY generous of you, and if you are so willing, I'll take you up on it. The numbers can be found on the Ebay page at the link at the top of this discussion, but most info is:

Name: Keith Walker
Boguss business: Elite Auto Center
Boguss business #2: Champion Motor Leasing ltd

Phone #'s 905 761 2009
cell #: 416 579 7467

email: [email protected]

Any help is GREATLY appreciated.

I will be meeting with my investigator tomorrow on another matter and will give him the info to see if he can get anything for you. I'll let you know ASAP.

Ben, I'm sure you've thought of many angles but want to suggest this, in case you haven't:
He was able to give you specifics pics on request: he presumably used an e-mail address; also, can you check with Autoforum to see if anyone requested those pics - he must have got them through one of their sales people I imagine. Was the same e-mail account used for pictures sent from Autoforum to "Keith"; for communication with the E-Bay member who created the page & for communication to you?
This guy had to make a mistake somewhere - this cannot be traceless - I firmly believe no such thing as perfect crime, just depends on whether the authorities are willing to invest the time in it. Did you report it to

Fabulous offer of support from RSO 34. I think we all want this scum caught & hope you get your money back.
My own quick check showed that the name "" was registered with Network Solutions. They are now owned by Verisign. Their website is

I use them to host my own website and know that you cannot set up a website without a credit card. You may want to try to follow up with them to enlist their assistance in determining the identity of the person who purchased the domain name.


[This message has been edited by RSO 34 (edited 23 October 2002).]
Sorry for the fragmented messages. Give this info to your contact in Canada:

The account was set up by Fatima Margan with an address at 2166 Donald Road, Burlington, Ontario L7M3R5. Same phone number as on the Ebay site.

The domain name was purchased on 10/1/02.

Keith Walker also set up a Hotmail account as follows:

[email protected]

The Toronto authorities should have jurisdiction to contact Hotmail and Network Solutions/Verisign to have them turn over credit card records.

I'll update if and when I get more info.

Wow, Bob. I must say, I'm impressed. I will contact the Detective in the morning to update him with this information. I don't know what information he already has--he isn't particularly forthcoming with that. I did have someone offer to track the guy down and break his legs......I think I'll hold on that for now ;-) Also, I will report this to the IIFC later this evening.

Thanks again,


I gave the info to my investigator this morning and will let you know later if anything turns up.

Hopefully, the Toronto police will obtain the credit card number used to purchase the domain name and trace recent purchases, including any gas charges, to locate them.

The address for Fatima Margan comes back with a phone listing for a "T. Margan" with a separate number as follows:

(905) 336-8755

Originally posted by RSO 34:
Hopefully, the Toronto police will obtain the credit card number used to purchase the domain name and trace recent purchases, including any gas charges, to locate them. Bob

His X Card number is the prize.

If you opt to do things "the right way" it will reveal the issuing bank which can perform a skip trace and cross match to track him through TRW, Experian, Equifax or Telecheck. BUT while dealing with the beauracratic red tape of the law and the bank, the trail may go cold. Or it may just take time for them to get to it (your priorities may not be theirs.)

If you opt to take a more Machiavellian approach, get that card number. Bob's guys will know what to do with that info.

Good Luck
Originally posted by beckertb:
Wow, Bob. I must say, I'm impressed. I will contact the Detective in the morning to update him with this information. I don't know what information he already has--he isn't particularly forthcoming with that. I did have someone offer to track the guy down and break his legs......I think I'll hold on that for now ;-) Also, I will report this to the IIFC later this evening.

Thanks again,


First get your money back then break his legs.

I haven't been in the Off Topic forum lately and just heard about this. I wish there was something I could do to help, but I can't imagine what. Fortunately it sounds like Bob and others are turning over lots of rocks.

Man, your luck has sucked lately. I really hope things turn around soon. Give me a call if there is anything I can do, or if you just need to scream.

this is my first post in the NSX forum. I don't have an NSX, but i know several people who do have them (and i saw a wicked one at the AutoZotica fall cruise 2 weeks ago).

Anyway, i just wanted to offer my sympathy as a fellow exotic car owner. I hope you get the scumbag who did this to pay you back your money (and i hope you can charge him some interest in terms of some selectively broken body parts

Hope to see you on the road in either a Viper or NSX!

00 Viper RT/10

[This message has been edited by huggorm (edited 28 October 2002).]

[This message has been edited by huggorm (edited 28 October 2002).]