Help!! Stuck away from home!!

19 December 2004
Glastonbury, CT
************(I am all set now, details below)************

So I drove 50 minutes away from home and when i pulled into the drive way I heard my right front tire scrap the well. I look at it and the car is sitting about 1-2" lower on that tire. I can't get under the car (and it raining). Nothing looks out of place or broken (limited). The car is lowered with Bilstein shocks. I didn't notice anything on the way there. Thoughts? Could the perch have dropped or something? I am not super good with suspension. Any help appreciated.
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So yes, I will be doing that in the moment. Let me frame the question differently. Is there any chance the car is safe to drive home if for example the perch has dropped? I am trying to figure out whether to go home or call AAA.
So I think I am ok. Not sure what the story is but I jacked it up and all is solid. I think I am safe to go home. It too cold to get any further into it. I will take it easy on the way home.
Sorry just running across this thread not exactly timely.

Yes could be perch. Please let us know what u find out. Glad u made it home safely.
So the car was perfectly fine i am ashamed to say (although happy overall)

This was the deal:
1. Drove 50 minutes to my buddies house for poker with the old timers. Noticed no issues driving.
2. Picked up my 220lb buddy on the way.
3. When I pulled in the driveway I heard some scrapping. Stopped thinking a branch hit the side of the car, didn't see anything, and pulled in the short driveway the car barely fits in lengthwise (odd since the NSX isn't too long..).
4. I have 18-19 Nurburgring wheels on Bilstiens lowered about 1.25" but have never heard any rub previously and previous owner felt the same way about them.
5. When I stopped to look at the car, the passenger side front wheel was almost touching the well and looked about 2" lower than the right. Moved the car to the other side of the driveway, still looked really low.
6. Played poker and lost all my money thinking about what could be wrong...
7. When we are done we pulled it into the garage and the car now looked level. Didn't see anything suggesting a problem and nothing seemed loose but I did see a rub mark. I checked the other side and saw the same spot rubbing a little (very light spot).
Conclusion: the driveway angle somehow pushed the front right down considerably. My wheels do rub a little bit apparently and it all came together at that moment. Case closed, no issue (although evaluate if the rubbing will be a problem long term).
When you were on that driveway or when it was rubbing, was your friend in the car? That could make a huge difference.
He was in the car when it rubbed. Not in the car when I evaluated it. It was really odd. The driveway must have had just the right shape to make it sink the right front fender down. I'm no alarmist generally. Even after it looked off I couldn't believe there was an issue since I drove the 50 minutes noticing nothing. I looked carefully and concluded the front end couldn't have dropped that much due to the driveway angle so there must have been an issue. I was wrong...