HELP! Mice in my engine and under the hood!

How about leave the car running in the garage with the door down... eventually the carbon monoxide will build up and kill them. BTW for those of you who took the short bus to school: you go inside, don't stay in the car/garage.
There is a rodent product in small paper bags..they eat it and become very thursty and leave your car in search of water, then....they die.

I used to live in the woods and had major problems with rodents in 5 cars, after using this product we never found dead rodents in the cars and they like the stuff better than your wire harness.
zahntech said:
There is a rodent product in small paper bags..they eat it and become very thursty and leave your car in search of water, then....they die.

I used to live in the woods and had major problems with rodents in 5 cars, after using this product we never found dead rodents in the cars and they like the stuff better than your wire harness.

I have seen this stuff. I'll try it!
Thought about running a car in the closed garage, but not the NSX.. Maybe back up my Civic, cause it probably doesn't burn as clean.
I have not seen them in a week, so maybe they are gone ?

Don't run you car in the closed garage! Ever!,...if it is attached to your house you WILL get CO and HC inside your house!..and even if your house is not attached the little buggers will either die in your car, or they will just leave untill the air is clear and both of those options stink.:smile:
heathbar0 said:
5 gallon bucket
Seed (grass, sunflower, or any other food they like)
2 ft piece of rope
2 gallons of water

Put bucket near car, tie rope to outside so they can climb in.

once there in put water in bucket...

Works for me in my shop and garage.

One better: same trick with a twist 5gal bucket fill with a half way with water take a large can poke holes in both ends and thread a wire cote hanger threw the can duct tape the cote hanger to the top of the bucket place peanut butter on the can. The key is to make sure the can spins freely and place the bucket by something like the garbage can or wall the mice will jump onto the can and fall onto the water and drown works for pesky chipmunks to.
I think you have a problem with mice in garage not just mice in the car. eventually you will have mice in the basement, attic and walls of the house I bought a Ratzapper.. it came with baits too. but I didnt mess around. it I put some KFC chicken meat as bait.. worked the first time.

I hate rodents.
fkong777 said:
I think you have a problem with mice in garage not just mice in the car. eventually you will have mice in the basement, attic and walls of the house I bought a Ratzapper.. it came with baits too. but I didnt mess around. it I put some KFC chicken meat as bait.. worked the first time.

I hate rodents.

You're right, they are in the garage.
I don't mind rodents since I have one in the house, but not in my car!
KFC, hum, sounds yummy! litttle bit of mash potato, little bit of slaw, some corn on the cob and we'll have a feast!

I gotta give it to you. This is the most refreshingly original thread i've read on here in a while. I got a good laugh out of it. Good luck with your mice hunt!
da3dalus said:
I gotta give it to you. This is the most refreshingly original thread i've read on here in a while. I got a good laugh out of it. Good luck with your mice hunt!

Somehow in a weird sick sense of humor, rodents and cars do go together, like Ed Roth and Rat Fink!
I did get some good info from the group, most of which backed up what I have heard from other, so it was good for me. Thanks for everyones input, as funny as they were, I think most would work, or at the very least would give it a try, just for the fun factor! "You dirty Rats"

can i pet the mouse, George?

Brad said:
What is Decon.
zahntech said:
There is a rodent product in small paper bags..they eat it and become very thursty and leave your car in search of water, then....they die.
Decon works, rather- it works real well! It comes in a choice of paper packet or cardboard feeding tray. :cool: