HELP! Mice in my engine and under the hood!

30 April 2004
Monrovia, CA
I have mice living in my car. Does anyone know a good way to get them out ?
I have flushed it out with water, drove it several times but they are still there.
Chewed on some of the insulation for the air conditioner, but I don't know what other damage they have done. I have traps around the car but nothing yet.

BH :frown:
Brad said:
I have traps around the car but nothing yet.

BH :frown:

So, what did you put on the trap? My experience with them is to use the sticky type trap and put a teaspoon of uncooked rice over it; they sure do like rice. They work super fine and just be sure to check daily.

Here in the Mid-west, mice are a big problem. I use "BOUNCE" dryer sheets to keep them at bay and it works really well. I guess they don't like the smell of those sheets. Car smells good also!
Hal_396 said:
Here in the Mid-west, mice are a big problem. I use "BOUNCE" dryer sheets to keep them at bay and it works really well. I guess they don't like the smell of those sheets. Car smells good also!

Thanks, I did put 6 sheets in, 3 in the engine bay and 3 under the hood.
I noticed after doing that, that the insulation on the air conditioner was chewed, but the Bounce was not exactly in that area.
I will put more, maybe the whole box!

Maybe you could exchange your experiences with Jin_1976 who has cats n the car. :tongue: :)
blackna1 said:
So, what did you put on the trap? My experience with them is to use the sticky type trap and put a teaspoon of uncooked rice over it; they sure do like rice. They work super fine and just be sure to check daily.


I did use peanut better in the sticky traps and the plastic humane type traps but no nibble as of yet. (Trader Joe's peanut butter)

Ive heard of people putting moth balls near the car or in the engine. Heard It seems to help, not sure how it woudl make your car smell though??? :biggrin:
Brad said:
I did use peanut better in the sticky traps and the plastic humane type traps but no nibble as of yet. (Trader Joe's peanut butter)


No signs of 'stolen peanut butter'??
You might want to try using the Ultrasonic Rodent Repeller. All you need to do is plug it in the area where mice normally exist and the ultrasonic sound should bother them so they leave.... I've heard it works for some people.
fifthearth said:
Ultrasonic Rodent Repeller. All you need to do is plug it in the area where mice normally exist and the ultrasonic sound should bother them so they leave.... I've heard it works for some people.

Wow! I'm gonna try that on my annoying coworker! :tongue:
Crack the window put a car cover on it---Decon on the pasenger side floor
with the windows cracked the temp will stay the same as the garage, mice dont like that. Decon will make the mice fill up with gas and die. 99% of the time they will leave the car/nest to die. If they do die in the car they wont eat the wires up and they will be easy to find.
A friend of mine in Arizona had this same problem as it can be quite common. The main reason is when it starts to get cold, the mice like to crawl up into your engine bay after you've driven around because it's nice and warm. What helps is to open up your hood and engine hatch and cool your car down as quickly as possible after you've parked it. Leave your garage or carport light on for a few mintues and linger around your car until it's cooled off. That should help considerably, although not practical if you park your car on the street or exposed to the public.

Otherwise, get one of these:

and they will be easy to find.
IMO, you really don't want them to die in the car. No telling what cubby hole they might crawl into to die! Might find yourself pulling a dash or something.
Hugh said:
Go borrow, buy or adopt 4 or 5 cats and lock them in the garage with the car for a few days.

What about the possibility of the cat jumping up and down on the car, with their sharp sharp nails... I see a scratched up beautiful nsx...:rolleyes:
Canvas and fummigation.Cinder blocks and a tarp. Heat like an oven will work. Not too hot though. Thinking of an auto paint place and put enough heat or chemical to drive them out :smile: :biggrin: :wink:

I had a cat put her 3 kittens in my car engine bay :mad:. That lasted about a day, picked them out and found homes:biggrin:

on the mouse problem...
I think you need to DRIVE the car more.
get some tracking powder from a pest control company. mice eat this and it dehydrates them, mouse jerky dosen't smell:wink:

good luck
First, locate and eliminate any food sources in your garage. Mice, rats, etc stay close to food sources.

Second, try a more humane kill method.

You definately don't want the mouse to get poisoned while inside under the hood. They might die in an area you can't see right away. Rotting mammals smell bad. :frown:

Get yourself an electronic mouse trap.

Here is an example of one:
Your local hardware store might carry it.

Put it on the ground under your car. Bait it with granola bits (don't use peanut butter - it melts and causes the trap to short out sometimes).

Mice go in, get zapped, die quickly and you know exactly where they died. Clear out the trap every day and a few days later your mice will be gone. No mess, no lost dead mice, no chewed wires. Done.
5 gallon bucket
Seed (grass, sunflower, or any other food they like)
2 ft piece of rope
2 gallons of water

Put bucket near car, tie rope to outside so they can climb in.

once there in put water in bucket...

Works for me in my shop and garage.
blackna1 said:
No signs of 'stolen peanut butter'??

Hum, no signs of the rats at the moment!
I did put out more traps.

Crack the window put a car cover on it---Decon on the pasenger side floor
with the windows cracked the temp will stay the same as the garage, mice dont like that. Decon will make the mice fill up with gas and die. 99% of the time they will leave the car/nest to die. If they do die in the car they wont eat the wires up and they will be easy to find.

I will try this at the last resort. What is Decon. The mice are not inside the cabin, just outside.
No signs of missing peanut butter.
