Help me find my dream NSX .....

27 June 2003
sigh just found out that the NSX-T I was looking at is almost sold..... lets hope this sale doesn't go through so I can get it...... If not, I don't know what I'll do :frown: there aren't that many NSX's that fit my taste and requirements...... any ideas? I've looked on and on this board..... with no luck. I can't continue to drive a rental forever.... HELP!
Keep searching, and be patient! Do not pick one up just for the sake of "I can't wait any longer". Don't fall into that trap. I almost bought a black one, when I really wanted a Sebring Silver. I was very patient and waited for the right car. There are plenty of fine examples out there. Just hang on. You'll find er':biggrin:
Also check and Like the others have said, don’t settle for anything less than what you’re looking for. Keep the faith, your perfect car will become available, it just may take time. Several buyers have found their car when they lease expected too or when they were about at the end of their patience tolerance. Just be ready to act on a car when the right one becomes available. Otherwise, you snooze, you loose!

Good Luck,

bodypainter said:
So, describe your taste and requirements for us. Also, have you posted in the "Wanted" section of this board?

Well just found out that the one I was trying to get has a sale pending... I'll know by friday if the sale goes thru..... lets hope for my sake it doesnt! Then i'll be happy.... but now im just depressed...

My tastes is that it has to be a clean NSX - not ragged out and well taken care of.. Little to no body work .. minor ding fixes is expected of course.

Low milage no more than 70K miles...

no older than 1997 - 3.2L 6spd of course... and my ideal color is kaiser silver...

As far as cost goes of course I'm looking for the deals... willing to pay up to $38K...

I know I'm kind of asking a lot but I've found a few of them so far that fit this requirement...

Like this one for example... too many miles (I know 80k isn't a lot but its too much for me b/c in 6 months it will be 100k easy)

This is the one that I had my heart set on... :frown:

Am I being too unreasonable? The reason I'm in a rush right now is because I'm driving a rental out of pocket ....since this wasn't on my insurance policy when i totaled my Lexus... so I might end up buying a beater until I find the one I want.... *sigh*
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$38k for a 97+ in good condition would be a steal, so yeah, I think you're being unreasonable. Nice 97+s are in very high demand, relative to the number of cars out there, so they usually go for 45-50k. If 38k is the limit, you could find a nice 95-96 T for that price with lower miles, or get a high mileage 97+. IMO, mileage isn't that big of a deal if the car has been well taken care of so personally that's what I would do (get 97+). Good luck and most of all be patient. :smile:
My question is; given you know what you want and have searched diligently for what seem to be realistic criteria aside from overly optimistic pricing, why didn't you buy the silver NSX that is now pending sale? I assume if you are currently driving around in a rental you have $38k burning a hole in you pocket ready to go. Why did you hessitate on such a deal?
ashman said:
My question is; given you know what you want and have searched diligently for what seem to be realistic criteria aside from overly optimistic pricing, why didn't you buy the silver NSX that is now pending sale? I assume if you are currently driving around in a rental you have $38k burning a hole in you pocket ready to go. Why did you hessitate on such a deal?

If I had $38K burning a hole in my pocket I'd already be driving the car back home ;)

I'm waiting on the check from the insurance company so I can put that as a down payment... and I wouldn't call my pricing overly optimistic.. It's more like realistic. A 97 car is almost already 10 years old... and seeing as how I've found 2 NSX's that almost fit my requirements.... just about.
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enkrypt3d said:
If I had $38K burning a hole in my pocket I'd already be driving the car back home ;)

I'm waiting on the check from the insurance company so I can put that as a down payment... and I wouldn't call my pricing overly optimistic.. It's more like realistic. A 97-98 car is already 10 years old... and seeing as how I've found 2 NSX's that almost fit my requirements.... just about.

What kind of math are you using? :confused:
I picked up a 98 w/ 23K miles, no accidents, great shape, for $41K, so no, I don't think its impossible. But likely? probably not. You're probably going to have to expect ~$41K-43K. Bottom line is keep looking and don't give up! I negotiated 10 months from start to finish before the guy sold it to me =)
What kind of math are you using? :confused:

uh last time i checked its almost 2007.

2007 - 1997 = 10.
Forgot the 98?

we splitting hairs now? geez dude... lets stay on topic please

I'm not some kid off the street. I am a former NSX owner.. so cut me some slack
enkrypt3d said:
we splitting hairs now? geez dude... lets stay on topic please

I'm not some kid off the street. I am a former NSX owner.. so cut me some slack

I just bought a 97 with 23K miles, essentially stock, at least 9/10 condition. Paid $43K. I looked at a black 98 with 56K miles that I think was 7.5/10 and probably could have been bought for $40-41 (seller needed to sell). I didn't want black and the car was dirty inside and out when I drove it.

I think $38K for a clean 97 will be difficult. You'll get a higher mileage car, and you need a motivated seller.
hofffam said:
I just bought a 97 with 23K miles, essentially stock, at least 9/10 condition. Paid $43K. I looked at a black 98 with 56K miles that I think was 7.5/10 and probably could have been bought for $40-41 (seller needed to sell). I didn't want black and the car was dirty inside and out when I drove it.

I think $38K for a clean 97 will be difficult. You'll get a higher mileage car, and you need a motivated seller.

Well the guy I was talking to listed his 97 for $35K and I talked him down to $33.5K.... ran a carfax and its clean. So I know I'm not crazy ;):biggrin:
enkrypt3d said:
Well the guy I was talking to listed his 97 for $35K and I talked him down to $33.5K.... ran a carfax and its clean. So I know I'm not crazy ;):biggrin:

And you're still driving the rental........
enkrypt3d said:
Well the guy I was talking to listed his 97 for $35K and I talked him down to $33.5K.... ran a carfax and its clean. So I know I'm not crazy ;):biggrin:

I never said you were crazy..... I've never seen a 97 listed that low unless it had a salvage title. I guess the seller was motivated. You probably should have bought it if it was a good car.
Hothonda said:
And you're still driving the rental........

For 35k I would have jumped on that 97 nsx in a heartbeat......

You have to remember these are not your typical resale cars........they are limited production the pricing is different from your typical average joe car.

They are still in demand 10 years later as you have seen and as the years go on they will be harder and harder to find.
enkrypt3d: Considering the price range that you can afford, it would be more realistic for you to be looking at 91-95 cars.
Hothonda said:
And you're still driving the rental........

Unfortunately yes... I'm at the mercy of the insurance company right now. Waiting for payment.
ediddynsx said:
For 35k I would have jumped on that 97 nsx in a heartbeat......

You have to remember these are not your typical resale cars........they are limited production the pricing is different from your typical average joe car.

They are still in demand 10 years later as you have seen and as the years go on they will be harder and harder to find.

Yea i know... I was hoping I could pull it off before someone else snatched it up... :'( My only hope is that the sale falls through ...... he said if that happens I'm next in line. I'm praying that this happens.
AndyNSX said:
enkrypt3d: Considering the price range that you can afford, it would be more realistic for you to be looking at 91-95 cars.

I would be open to that idea but why pay $35K for a 91 when I could find a 97 for a similar price? 17 year old car compared to a 10 year old car..... hmmm its not hard to see which one would be better. Like I said I want the 3.2L engine and the 6spd gear box. I know I could do those after market but I don't have the capital for it or the time.

Also, its even more difficult to find a 91-95 that hasn't been either wrecked, tracked, thrashed, or with a boat load of miles... which rules it out of my requirements.

This is another possibilty but it has 81K miles and it wouldn't take long to make that roll over to 100k+ :( i know im being picky but this is the time to be picky if there ever was a time for it. ;)
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enkrypt3d said:
This is another possibilty but it has 81K miles and it wouldn't take long to make that roll over to 100k+ :( i know im being picky but this is the time to be picky if there ever was a time for it. ;)

If you're going to really look into that car, I'd be very careful to search for a previous accident, engine rebuild, or some other serious problem. Remember that many times carfax does not tell the whole story. That price seems way too low. Let us know if you find anything.
35K is already the price on a mint 91. To find a 35k 97' NSX is a rare thing. I wish you all the luck.