Help - leaking coolant

I too use the vacuum bleeder like Kaz. It works very well. One thing important is to make sure that the "Water Valve" (heater core valve) is open when you do this, so you get coolant fed back into the heater core, an easy place for an air pocket to develop. After it is full, I test drive, warn it up completely, run the heater at full heat for 2-3 minutes. Upon return, let it cool down, top off the system(typically it will take about another 1/2 qt or so), then you are good to go.

I had a stubborn air lock in my cooling system after replacing a hose and flushing the old coolant.
Nose down on my driveway with the back of the car elevated, I set the heater for heat, started the car cold, and opened the top rear bleed valve until I got a steady stream of coolant, then closed it off. Let the car come up to temp, cool down, and then repeated until no air came out of that bleed valve.
A couple of months later I was at the track at NSXPO2013 and while there were other cars burbing fluid, but mine never had the temp gauge move past the normal mark.
Back to the original post, this obvious can't be stressed enough. Get all the air out of the system.