Re: Blindspot?
100% agree, I wonder if this knowledge is held in the same part of the brain that tells you to turn off the recirculate when the inside of the car fogs up.
100% agree, I wonder if this knowledge is held in the same part of the brain that tells you to turn off the recirculate when the inside of the car fogs up.
Then you're mirrors are not set right.
99.9% of people do not have their mirrors set right. -They set them so their mirror views 1/2 of their rear fender (I guess they like security of knowing the back of their car is still there).
*You want the inner part of your mirror to not even view your rear fender. (-Your in-car center rear view mirror shows you that area).
By doing this, your side mirrors are viewing a lot more of the side of your car, and will reduce your blind spot to nothing. When a car is next to you and disappearing on the outer edge of your mirror - at this point you should see the front of the car out of your side window.
In conclusion. - fix your mirrors, you'll have no blind spot, and a harness is fine...:wink: