Hello NSXPrime!

12 October 2012
New York City
Hi everybody my name is Giancarlo and after going on NSXPrime for about 2 years now, I decided to register. Before I talk about myself I already would like to say thank you to everyone on this site. Everyone here is like a family and helps eachother out and I really like that. I know I'm forgetting names but people like Coconut , PonyboyF1, TURBO2GO, shawn110975, oscardriver and all NSX shop reps make this site such a great place with their threads, info and help! I hope to gain more info then I already now about the NSX now that I am registered. Also, after reading it many times and using it, yes I know to first see if the question I have already exists in a post and to use the wiki (which I love all the info you guys pour in it). So now a little bit about myself. I have been around cars my whole life since a kid because my grandfather was a mechanic. For years I am always around Supras ( my brother has the old 1BIG1 or boost logic supra), EVO's, STi's and vettes but I have always dreamt of owning an NSX. A pure exotic supercar in everyway you can look at it. It's what seperates us from the other guys. We appreciate cars for what they are not how much WHP they have or how fast they run on the 1/4 mile. I love everything about the NSX (and of course ayrton) and hope to have one very soon. In fact, I registered now because I might need help with one. Thanks to Coconut, I found this NSX and would like to know if anyone knows anything about it-http://knoxville.craigslist.org/cto/3246055575.html. Besides that I want to say thank you again and I hope to gain as much info as I can from you guys!

You're fortunate. New York City is a great place to own an NSX. The NSX Club of America has a lot of activities in the area. I don't know whether you can still sign up for the Frank Lloyd Wright tours at the end of the month near Pittsburgh. You live close to Larry Bastanza who is one of the most experienced NSX mechanics anywhere. And of course you hope you never have to use his services, but one of the most experienced NSX body shops is nearby; the owner posts here as username pbassjo.

Ask for the vin. Price point is low for description. Interestingly, seller lists mods but omits it has a diffuser. Photo is watermarked with SOS so you might want to check with them as well.
that is kind of cheap for a 1995 with mods so i would look more into it if I were you and I think it's a really great buy if everything check out good.
Thanks nsxtasy! I know about Larry but I did not know about that body shop so thank you very much. After getting an NSX I was thinking of letting Larry see it so he can tell me if it needs anything. About the car RSO 34 and Aero Z, Brian told me that "JETFUEL" was sold a few months ago and the guy on craigslist says he owned it for 6 years(SCAM) :(. Well I guess I'm back on the search for an NSX (any year after 94). Thanks again guys I'll keep an eye out on coconut's list.
Welcome to Prime! Do you have a particular year/color your looking for? If not, it might be a good idea to narrow down your "dream" NSX. Theirs quite a few owners here who are on their second or even third NSX because they didn't get exactly what the wanted the first time.
Thanks Coconut and yes. I would like Red or Silver and 95+ preferably 97+ due to the larger rotors, C32B and 6-speed. If I can find a car with a 2002 conversion I would be estatic but most of them have over 80k miles which is too much for me. No matter what NSX I buy, It's getting I/H/E and a DF-R wing
I thought that car was sold awhile ago and shipped to Korea, seems to good to be truth for the asking price, make sure the car check out
Welcome to the clb, lots of New Yorkers on here active on the board. Where are you located? If you check northeast section their is a run this Sunday.
Anesthesia unfortunately yes the deal was too good I called SOS to find out and Brian helped me with that. Dynamic, I live in SI and I will not be able to make the run coming up. I hear alot of people have NSXs in NYC but I don't see any!I never have been given a ride in one and am dying for one. Hopefully when spring comes up I can meet with you guys at some meets with the Supra or if I get one over the Winter.
Ask for the vin. Price point is low for description. Interestingly, seller lists mods but omits it has a diffuser. Photo is watermarked with SOS so you might want to check with them as well.
Any time the price is unusually low, it's really important to verify that the owner really owns the car. Any legitimate owner can tell you where the car has been serviced, and you can check with that service place to verify that he has brought his car there. Any legitimate owner will be happy to make any purchase contingent on an in-person inspection by someone - either a dealer, or someone you know in his geographical area (even someone here on NSXprime). I recommend taking at least one of these steps, preferably both, before sending any money or getting on an airplane to go pick up the car.

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