Hello, New to NSXPrime....


2 June 2003
San Mateo, CA

I just sold my H&R springs to Noah (Blue Knight). Hope they will fit on your 98', if not, you can return them to me, I haven't cashed your check yet. Just a little info about myself, I have a red 94' NSX. I am a cop in San Francisco. If anyone has any questions regarding CA vehicle code violations, I'll be happy to help......I can also sign off on those fixing citations(mechanical tickets; no front plate, lights, etc...) regardless of jurisdiction, since I'm a California P.O.S.T. certified peace officer. Believe me, I get pulled over too! Glad that I'm a cop or else driving this car would surely increase my insurance premium due to citation. My fellow cops say that NSX's are a babe magnet and a ticket magnet. I am interested in meeting up with you guys on a future NSX meet. Noah mentioned that you guys conduct these meets like once a month.

Anyone interested in weapons (firearms, rifles, shotguns) on this forum? My hobbies..... NSX, cars, bikes, guns and beautiful woman..... I think that kinda sums it up folks....

Hi Kevin,
Welcome aboard! How come you did not join us today at Milpitas? We had a great turnout with close to 15 NSXs. I am also in San Francisco. I work for Kaiser and take care a lot of officers of the SFPD. Hope to meet you next month.
Hey Kevin,

there is another SFPD that own a black NSX. I forgotten his name. But I met him a couple years ago. Not sure if you kow him.

Anyway, it was a good turnout today. Hopefully you can join us soon. An bring your car to the track with us too!
Hey Kevin, welcome to the nsx family. I know the best way to see if the Crowne Victoria w/ the Police package will beat the NSX or not. Lets hook up and give it a couple of whirls ;) hehe
Welcome, Kevin
I got a question about handgun. I just got my HSC few months ago. I am planning to get a .45 and thinking about Kember stainless II. Do you think it is a good handgun? or what other brand you recommend....I am a newbie in handgun..
Also, I have tinted my side window but not very dark, do you think it is illegal? I live in SF. When I am driving my white NSX at night, there are a lot of cops like to dirve in my blind spot, do cops like to do that all the time? I always worry I will got a fix ticket....please let me know if it is illegal, maybe I will take it off..thanks
I am planning to attend my first time meeting next month ...hopefully, I will see a lot of you guys there.
Welcome Kevin!

Here is a simple question, is it legal to use radar detectors such as Valentine 1 in Calfornia? Can an officer pull you over if he see a detector in your car?

Regarding the tinted windows :
CA vehicle code section 26708(a)(1) prohibits any object or material placed, displayed, installed, affixed or applied to the driver and passenger side windows. For example : You may tint the rear windows or even the back windows (you can even paint it) as long as you have a left and right outside rear view mirrors.

Only exception to the front windows is that you can have a removable sunscreen for health reasons if you can provide a medical certificate from a doctor or optometrist to be shaded from the sun. However, it's still not allowed at night.

There are other ways to get around this. It helps to know the law, go to DMV and purchase a CA vehicle code book, I forgot the price on it, maybe it's free. I hope this answers your tinted windows question. I don't personally cite anyone for petty stuff like this unless they are argumentative and uncooperative.

Reply to your second question:

I prefer H&K, Glocks, Sigs and Berettas. For beginners, buy a Glock 17 9mm, this gun is lightweight, very reliable (not a single jam yet). Word to the wise, do not use reloaded ammunition, buy factory unleaded bullets. It will cost you much more, but it's worth it. H&K handguns are very expensive, but you know that saying....you get what you've paid for!

George W,

Yes, it is illegal. However, I have never stopped a vehicle or issued a citation for merely a radar detector. I use discretion when issuing citations.....Why be a hypocrite, right? Everyone makes mistakes, even cops.

28150. (a) No vehicle shall be equipped with any device that is
designed for, or is capable of, jamming, scrambling, neutralizing,
disabling, or otherwise interfering with radar, laser, or any other
electronic device used by a law enforcement agency to measure the speed of moving objects.
(b) No person shall use, buy, possess, manufacture, sell, or
otherwise distribute any device that is designed for jamming,
scrambling, neutralizing, disabling, or otherwise interfering with
radar, laser, or any other electronic device used by a law
enforcement agency to measure the speed of moving objects.
(c) Except as provided in subdivision (d), a violation of
subdivision (a) or (b) is an infraction.
(d) When a person possesses four or more devices in violation ofsubdivision (b), the person is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person who has avalid federal license for operating the devices described in this section may transport one or more of those devices if the license is carried in the vehicle transporting the device at all times when the device is being transported

No front plate :

It is a violation per section 5200 CVC. Must have a front and rear plate attached.

A few questions I've received regarding the front plate was," Can I put the front plate on my dash?" The answer is NO. Why? Because it violates section 5201 CVC : Front plate must be securely attached to prevent swinging; keep clearly visible and legible and not be mounted over 60 inches from the ground.

Believe me, it's not hard to find a violation on any given vehicle to justify a traffic stop. I know the front plate looks bad on a NSX, some cops love to issue 5200 CVC tickets. :(

Penalty for no front plate is $100 I believe, it is a fixing ticket, if signed off by any CA peace officer as stated in section 830.1 or 830.2 PC, the ticket will be reduced to a $10 administrative fee.

NsXTaCY168 said:
28150. (a) No vehicle shall be equipped with any device that is
designed for, or is capable of, jamming, scrambling, neutralizing,
disabling, or otherwise interfering with radar, laser, or any other
electronic device used by a law enforcement agency to measure the speed of moving objects.
Does this really apply to a radar detector Kevin?
As stated it would seem more applicable to devices which actually are destructive to the operation of the police radar or laser by actively confusing the signal.
I could see that laser detector might actually be doing that, as it confuses the signals reflected to the receiver in the laser device, but not a radar detector - surely that is a completely passive device that only detects the presence of radar signal?
I'm not a lawyer, so my interpretation of this is just based on the way it reads to me; I don't even own a detector but just was interested by the interpretation of this.
I have not personally cited anyone for a radar detector. I spoke to a buddy of mine who works in the traffic unit (expert in traffic related issues) and he told me that he would cite for the violation and let the courts determine the outcome. He also mentioned that while he's at it, he would cite for other violations (ie; seatbelt, tinted windows, loud exhaust, no front plate, loose screws, tags, lowered vehicles with extremely low clearances and any other illegal aftermarket parts.

So even if you get away with the "radar detector". He said that he will still nail you for other violations.

Personally, I don't agree with his mode of operation. I just don't cite for petty stuff unless some other circumstances are involved.

hey kevin,

nice meeting you on Sat. i'm also glad that you had taken the springs off your X....not so that you could sell them to me but your area has tons of hills and uneven pavement. i almost stalled in my volvo (yes, it's a manual) up there. some hills are killer ones.

please join us next month for the july luncheon. i'm surprised there's no regular meet for your area. you'll find lots of people here that knows just about everything there is to know about the X.

i've seen some cop cars at infineon raceway about 5 years ago. the regular ones pull the 1/4 mile in about 17 seconds while the special package ones do it in about 15 secs. i'm sure they're a lot quicker now.....with so much more goodies out there to boost them. i can imagine the camaro ones pulling with our Xs......:D

anyways, i'm going to get the H&R hub adapters first before i install the springs. hope i can get them done before the next meet.

tell your colleagues to go easy on the NSXs out there......we don't mean to speed....it's just the nature of the car.:D
Hi Kevin! Welcome to NSX Prime. This place rocks! I WILL take you up on your offer on signing off tickets! :D

I have a question about no-front plate fix it tickets. I get those all the time on my daily driver... I haven't gotten one in about 6 months. (I just jinxed myself.) I've heard that the fine has now increased to about $100 REGARDLESS if you have it signed off or not. Is that true or does it depend on your city?

I left the DMV registration tag on my windshield because I am big wuss with the NSX. I just don't want to get pulled over and get harrassed. Hopefully my custom plates get approved and arrive soon... that's when I'll take it off.

Thanks in advance,

The citation has a fine of $100, will be reduced to $10 if corrected and signed off by any peace officer in the state. I'm waiting for my personalized plates too, DMV is taking a long time....


Thanks for the invite. I would be honored for the privilege of being there with fellow NSX owners. Let me know in advance regarding the location, time and details. I'll try to take the day off.

Kevin, I hope to see you at a club lunch. I may be at the next one if my car really does get finished this week (right, two chances that'll happen: slim and none). But do I see a potential conflict of interest if a "spirited" drive ensues after the lunch?
NsXTaCY168 said:

Thanks for the invite. I would be honored for the privilege of being there with fellow NSX owners. Let me know in advance regarding the location, time and details. I'll try to take the day off.


no problem, kevin. i'll give you a call before the next meet.

But do I see a potential conflict of interest if a "spirited" drive ensues after the lunch?

The answer is "no".

:) ;) I just hope that CHP or another agency doesn't pull you over, as long as you can stay in front of me, I think you might luck out. Maybe I should take out my R1 and race you......

Just don't commit a D.U.I. Even cops get nailed for that! A few hours in jail would not be fun.
