omg for the love of everything. dont turn over the engine!!!!!!!!!
you got water in your cylinders and it is hydro locked!!!! cracking it any more may result in a bent rod/busted rod barings!!!
lol i dont know if this has been already address. had to post asap when i read "clunk"
also fuel does not burn white. It burns black, even if you dump it in by the buckets, it still comes out black
like smoore said, end of story on that one.
I would get a new mechanic. When you go in telling mark that you see white smoke, first thing he needs to check is head gasket.
he could have done a engine leak down test, had a test strip detect exhaust gases in the coolant and last of all a coolant preasure test ( last test as it could force water in to the engine ). He could have also pulled all the plugs and cranked the engine and see if water came out.
GET A NEW MECHANIC. OKing a customer's car only to have it hydro lock later is unacceptable. I would not even let this guy touch my car again. Already caused you enought trouble. If you caught it before it got to this stage, you could have saved the possable messed up baring and rod!