Heavy white smoke from both exhausts

Doing it in the car is a serious PITA..taking the motor/trans out is the proper way to go about this repair, the timing belt should be replaced, unless it was done recently.

Blue smoke = Oil
White smoke = steam or Coolant
Black smoke = fuel
omg for the love of everything. dont turn over the engine!!!!!!!!!:eek:

you got water in your cylinders and it is hydro locked!!!! cracking it any more may result in a bent rod/busted rod barings!!!:eek:

lol i dont know if this has been already address. had to post asap when i read "clunk"

also fuel does not burn white. It burns black, even if you dump it in by the buckets, it still comes out black :D like smoore said, end of story on that one.

I would get a new mechanic. When you go in telling mark that you see white smoke, first thing he needs to check is head gasket.

he could have done a engine leak down test, had a test strip detect exhaust gases in the coolant and last of all a coolant preasure test ( last test as it could force water in to the engine ). He could have also pulled all the plugs and cranked the engine and see if water came out.

GET A NEW MECHANIC. OKing a customer's car only to have it hydro lock later is unacceptable. I would not even let this guy touch my car again. Already caused you enought trouble. If you caught it before it got to this stage, you could have saved the possable messed up baring and rod!:mad:
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try this. get the guy to pull all your plugs. disable your EFI system and Ignition system by pulling fuse. Than crank the car with no plugs and listen to the car. If the car is turning over with a pretty smooth normal startig noise, your doing good. If the car is making a rythmic clank sound, than you either bent rod or busted barings and needs to be fixed.

you might have screwed the barings when you cranked the engine ( good synario) bad is a bent rod. Oil gets dirty from blow by gas that slips past your 3 piston rings. Its the carbon from the burnt gas that makes oil go brown so fast ( other stuff too). Maybe the bent rod or baring is making your piston seals not sit right and allowing the carbon to slip past more easily? :confused: good luck with your fix, its going to be expensive.

btw, a normal starter can out put up to 250-400 foot pounds of torque.:eek: put all that bitch on one rod / baring..... you lose:frown:
RON98 said:
also fuel does not burn white. It burns black, even if you dump it in by the buckets, it still comes out black

You're saying I can't tell the difference between (bright) white and black? Or that I solved a coolant leak by replacing a broken injector? Or maybe I can't tell the difference between the smell of gasoline and the smell of coolant? Can I assume you speak from experience too and that you've broken the tip off an injector and then run the car with it like that? I'm talking PLUMES of dense white smoke from a huge fuel leak--where I was probably close to both hydrolocking and the cat exploding. The oil was way overfilled and smelled of gas too. Also, that same cylinder is about 20psi lower compression than the other 7.
Sounds like a Blown Head Gasket to me. By the time I was done, it was closer to $4000 - but I did the timing belt and water pump at the same time since the motor was out of the car. The new gasket kit is not cheap either. I also went with cometics because they are better than the OEM.

Good Luck!
jrehner said:
Hey Chris --tell Mark not me. He's got it but I am not about to tell him what to do--I told Bob the symptoms and Mark never got on the tel with me. It should be down at the shop but I have not got any confirming call. I had to get tow company to take it down without me cause I had to go give up some urine for a drug test..new job on Monday and now I will have to drive my 3 on the tree van with no AC.. at least it's cool in the mornings now...

Sorry, Mark and I are not in the same shop any longer. Please let us know how it turns out.

-- Chris

just buy a new jdm engine. or learn to do it yourself. Im sure it would be cheaper to hire a mechanic for a month to teach you how to do it :biggrin:

pay me 3000$ and ill walk you through the install from start to finish:smile:

btw, if your cylinder was packed full of fuel, your compression should be off the wall: ie higher than all the other postions, not lower by 20psi. :wink:

Well 1 gallon of gas = 1 gallon of water coming out the tail pipe.

so if your burning excessive fuel, you might see excessive vapors.. but it should still be black :tongue:

cats exploding. wow thats ownage. but black is fact. :tongue:
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The 20psi drop was after the fix--from the excess wear of fuel washing the oil off the walls. Soot is carbon from combustion in a rich condition where there isn't enough O2 to make CO2. The clouds I saw were vaporized gasoline not combusted--that's the difference. Gas will not combust with a leak that big because the AF won't allow it (where would the air come from?). 1 gallon of gasoline combusted does not make 1 gallon of water.
1 gallon go gas = 1 gallon of H2O coming out the tail pipe. yes it does :biggrin:

so the engine just eats up all that H2O?

If the gas was vaperiozed, it should burn in your exhaust system and you would be seeing flames coming out the back.

the problem here is not caues of leaky injectors :) your case is a freak of occurance. 1 in a million cars :wink:
There is no H2O if there is no O2. Again, where would the air come from? There's just enough in the cylinder to burn a .002 second spritz of gas and no air pump. Even if there is air, if the AF is below 8 or so the gas still won't combust. The gas that doesn't run past the rings gets expelled past the hot cat and vaporizes but doesn't combust.
And the leftover air from those 7 at idle with the butterfly valve closed is enough to make a white steam cloud so dense you can't see through it at all within 2-3 feet of the pipe? The amount of leftover air is typically ~2-3%. Even if it was 100% (enabling ~2x the normal volume of steam) it wouldn't explain the desnsity of the cloud I saw, or the smell. And, even at 100% leftover air, it still would not be enough to get anywhere near an AF of 8 to allow combustion.
RON98 said:

just buy a new jdm engine. or learn to do it yourself. Im sure it would be cheaper to hire a mechanic for a month to teach you how to do it :biggrin:

pay me 3000$ and ill walk you through the install from start to finish:smile:

Trust me. I wish I would have. :)