I've noticed a strange, new occurence during the last couple of weeks. After a period of driving (maybe 30 minutes), I sometimes start to feel heat on my feet coming from the car.
Now if this was my vette, I would think nothing of it because it's standard. I always feel a heater on my feet.
However, considering that there is no motor over my feet in the NSX, where is this heat coming from???
It started a couple weeks ago. I checked to make sure my heater was off (everything was off).
My gauges look perfect. Temp is still just below the half-way point, steady as a rock. Car runs fine.
Any ideas where the heat can be coming from? Could something be stuck in the radiator?
Roast woodchuck perhaps?
Could one of the fans have broken?
I had a full coolant flush just a couple months ago when I did my timing belt and water pump. Is this normal?
This has definitely not happened before. In fact, with my windows rolled up, I can even smell that slight smell that comes from running the heater. help
[This message has been edited by ilya (edited 31 January 2002).]
Now if this was my vette, I would think nothing of it because it's standard. I always feel a heater on my feet.
However, considering that there is no motor over my feet in the NSX, where is this heat coming from???
It started a couple weeks ago. I checked to make sure my heater was off (everything was off).
My gauges look perfect. Temp is still just below the half-way point, steady as a rock. Car runs fine.
Any ideas where the heat can be coming from? Could something be stuck in the radiator?
Roast woodchuck perhaps?
Could one of the fans have broken?
I had a full coolant flush just a couple months ago when I did my timing belt and water pump. Is this normal?
This has definitely not happened before. In fact, with my windows rolled up, I can even smell that slight smell that comes from running the heater. help
[This message has been edited by ilya (edited 31 January 2002).]