Heat Barrier

25 February 2006
Cincinnati, OH
Ok gang, I'd like to install some sort of heat barrier in the trunk so that my stuff in there doesn't become a flambe (most notably my laptop bag and amp). Do you install it on the inside of the trunk under the carpet, or outside above the muffler?

Do a search in the electronics forum. I believe D'Ecosse and Malibu rapper have posted heat shield solutions. If I recall correctly they were installed between the bottom of the trunk and the top of the exhaust.

As for amp cooling did you see the pics I posted of my cooling solution for my JL 300/4 in this thread that you started? After frying 2 previous JLs this setup has been trouble free for several months now.
Here you go



The second thread has really good pictures of Cairo94507's car as a photo documentation along the process - shows the first stage with the adhesive type then the blanket as the final step. Does make a considerable difference to the temp inside the trunk.

There are links on the second thread on where to get the stuff.

A fan is also a good measure - one common mistake some people make is to intall an extraction fan on the pressure vent on the inside right wall: at first thought this seems good but you must realize that the trunk is really well sealed & unless there is a inlet for the make-up air that the fan is trying to exhaust, it simply won't exchange any air. It really needs an inlet on the opposite side to give a true cross flow & efficient exchange of fresh air. I drilled holes in the bottom of my trunk on the left side floor - not everyone is going to do that but to me it's practical & most people wouldn't even know it's there.
Also a fan inside the trunk won't do a tremendous amount as it will only be circulating the already hot air in the trunk. If your amp runs really hot it may stil help a little, but best bet is to get fresh air in there.