Headers will not pass smog in CA??

8 June 2001
Kabul, Afghanistan
Hey guys with Headers in their car I have a question. I just heard that the old DC/Comptech headers with O2 sensors on 1 cylinder instead of on the primary collector(like newer design RM, Comptech) will not pass smog due to running a little rich.

Have anybody had any problems smogging their cars with headers, Specificaly OBD1 91-94 NSX with old Comptechs/DC headers.

Thanks guys

[This message has been edited by gomaidy (edited 14 October 2002).]
I had a problem when trying to smog my Integra in California.
They didn't like the fact the O2 bung on the header only read one cylinder. They wouldn't pass it.
They want to see the sensor in the exhaust stream of all cylinders and not just one.
Had to put on the old manifold just to pass...
The Comptech headers bear a California Air Resources Board (CARB) Executive Order (EO) Number, and therefore are California Smog Legal. If yours were the ones made by DC Sports rather than Comptech, they may not bear the EO number, and even if they are the same thing technically won't be legal. I did not know that Comptech made an older vers with the 02 on only one cyl before the collector. If they did and they still have an EO number than technically they are legal regardless of what the smog tech guy says. You can always go to another smog place.

All My NSX'es Live in Texas

[This message has been edited by NSXTC (edited 14 October 2002).]
If the "running rich" thesis is correct, then whether or not there is an applicable EO, the car could still fail the tailpipe test and therefore not pass smog. An applicable EO just means you won't automatically be failed for having the relevant part, but it does not exempt you from the tailpipe emissions limits.
From my experience in California (reluctantly becoming too practiced at this), regardless of the brand of headers you have, just tell them they are Comptech and give them the Comptech EO number. The EO numbers can all be found on CARB's site on line.

Usually the smog station will record the EO numbers on the paperwork just to cover their butts, but there is no provision (thankfully) for them to enter the EO numbers into the Sacramento database.

I too have the headers (RM) that locate the O2 in one of the downtubes. My experience and direct measurement says that the car, dead on with a/f. This may assume that all your injectors are pretty much equal. (The BBSC's all come with flow-balanced injectors from RC Engineering.)
I reused all of mine and have not had a problem.

There are the engine block gaskets (several thin metal ones) and the round ones that go inside the header pipe where it mates to the cat back system.

Remember when putting them on the engine to torque them from the inside and work your way to the outside as you don't want them to rattle and have to re-do the job.