Well more than a month later I'm finally done.
Just a few questions since this is a major job I did by myself and I'm hoping everythings ok.
1. I put anti seeze on basically every bolt and it's kinda on my exhaust and test pipes and stuff since my hands were dirty and I didn't really wipe it off. When I started my engine I saw a lot of white smoke coming from the top of my engine, to the bottom of my engine. I checked the connections from the headers to the engine and nothings coming from there "thank god" but it's where my headers meet my test pipes, and exhaust. I'm thinking it's the heat of everything and since I put so much anti-seeze on it's kind of burning off? I don't know what else it would be.
2. White smoke from exhaust. Like I said, I'm running test pipes and I haven't started my car for about 4 or 5 months. I took it out for about 10 but I forget when I came back if it was still coming out or not. It didn't come out before like this.
3. Belt noise. The only belt I touched was the ac one because I took the ac comp off for the install. I didn't loosen the belt from the top like I should have and I just reinstalled it without even touching the tension. I get a squealing belt noise at 2000-3000 rpm.