Sorry guys, just saw this.
Jazzman (Will) is the new owner of the car and she is running strong. Michael Meira at Acura cleaned up the heads, so I'm not sure what he did, but I saw a bunch of dirty red scotchbrite pads on the bench when I stopped by to check on progress. Wire wheel also would work great. It is critical you put a straight edge on the heads and measure at all of the points in the service manual. Larry is speaking off of experience- overheats due to coolant loss cause hot spots in the head and can twist it. In my case, I lifted the entire head, so there was no measurable warpage.
As for the HG, per Kaz the factory graphite is fine for a stock engine. He recommends cometic/MLS only for high-compression NA or FI purposes. One benefit of using the graphite gasket is that you don't have to approach the high bolt torque envelope necessary for the MLS gaskets. As Dave noted, the bolts have pulled out of the block in some cases. Also, Kaz noted the graphite gasket has some "squish" in it that will make up for any surface imperfections in the metal mating surfaces. MLS typically requires a machined surface (heads and block) for proper sealing. All things to consider.
Jazzman (Will) is the new owner of the car and she is running strong. Michael Meira at Acura cleaned up the heads, so I'm not sure what he did, but I saw a bunch of dirty red scotchbrite pads on the bench when I stopped by to check on progress. Wire wheel also would work great. It is critical you put a straight edge on the heads and measure at all of the points in the service manual. Larry is speaking off of experience- overheats due to coolant loss cause hot spots in the head and can twist it. In my case, I lifted the entire head, so there was no measurable warpage.
As for the HG, per Kaz the factory graphite is fine for a stock engine. He recommends cometic/MLS only for high-compression NA or FI purposes. One benefit of using the graphite gasket is that you don't have to approach the high bolt torque envelope necessary for the MLS gaskets. As Dave noted, the bolts have pulled out of the block in some cases. Also, Kaz noted the graphite gasket has some "squish" in it that will make up for any surface imperfections in the metal mating surfaces. MLS typically requires a machined surface (heads and block) for proper sealing. All things to consider.