Head cover bolts (valve cover)

16 September 2003
Columbus, Ohio
Finishing up my TB/WP & cooling hoses. Question is on the accorn nuts that hold the valve covers down. When i saw a shoulder on the bolts that these nuts go on, i surmised that these accorn nuts bottom out meaning you take them all the way down to the shoulder and then torque. Now that i'm doing this with a new gasket, just pulling the cover down is surpassing the manual stated 7 lbs and got me wondering if this set up is designed to be bottomed out? The two nuts in the middle of the cover do not have a shoulder, so i assume these are simply snugged down. (?) TIA.
Should not be bottomed out... with a new gasket and fairly fresh grommets, it should not bottom out. Though the service manual does not specify a torque sequence, I suggest tightening the 2 center nuts first... but not all the way to 7lbs. Get them more than finger tight, then get the rest of them more than finger tight.

Then start torqing the center 2 towards the 7lbs, then the rest of the nuts. I usually go center out, top bottom similar to how most valve cover torque sequencing goes. I do it little by little so the cover slowly gets more and more tight until it reaches 7lbs all around. I then double check them all esp. the 2 center ones.