HDD crash, data recovery in the US

13 May 2000
Near Rotterdam
Was wondering if someone has had some good experiences in the US with data recovery.
Not talking about a lost filesystem or deleted file, but serious head/mechanical problems.
Locally here in Holland the data recovery business is a very shady one, and i have been quoted upto 5000USD for repair for a 40Gig drive.
I highly recommend Drive Savers (http://www.drivesavers.com). I used them in August when my 160GB hd crashed. Their quote was between $500 - $2700, depending on how much data they recover (higher if I wanted a quicker turnaround).

Turns out I had a severe head crash (heads scarred the platters) and they couldn't recover anything.

My recommendation is based on the fact that they had waived their attempt fee AND even offered to return my harddrive at no cost to me.
DriveSavers is a safe bet but can be pricey. Ive sent about 20 drives there and almost all of them had successful recoveries. They also waived the attempt fee if unable to retrieve data but I figured that was because we were a larger account.