Have you evern blown up an air bag while sitting on it? HAHA

So no one else has to go to two other forums before you can see it here it is.

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I think it was pretty funny. I can't believe that they didn't do this on Jackass.
Guess you had to be there. :)

But, I saw on Dirty Jobs that the most powerful airbags come from American cars like Cadillacs. They put one under a large drum and that drum was launched probably 20 feet into the air.
I saw that episode too. I bet it was a first generation air bag which was a lot stronger blast then the new ones are. I bet the kids were using the new style bags.
at one point when i worked for Nissan, we had a kit to discharge airbags. it was for an airbag recall. after discharging a few of them on a vise like we were instructed to, it got boring. eventually we started discharging them in the back parking lot. they would launch about 20 feet in the air, and once i managed to get one to land on the roof of the shop.

that didnt last long, because soon we got word from the Warranty Dept. that we couldnt discharge them anymore because of "evironmental concerns" and that we would have to ship them all back to Warranty.
My dad didn't think it was too funny when the airbag spontaneously deployed in his C4 while he was driving down the highway. Imagine being blinded by smoke, deafened by the pyro, and smacked in the face with a piece of the cover as you're serenely cruising down the highway at 70mph:biggrin:
He was just lucky he doesn't drive like 70% of the population with his arm hanging from the top of the wheel:rolleyes:
I have had a couple of air bags go off in crashes and they really hurt.

The worst airbag story I know is from a friend of mine who is a insurance adjuster. He went to do a write up on a car that was damaged in an accident. The person who was driving the car did the "mom arm block" just before the collision, he threw his right arm over to block the passengers seat. No one was in the passengers seat at the time it was just instinct. Anyways he only got his arm out half way when the passengers airbag went off. It blew all the fingernails off the drivers hand. OUCH!!!:eek: :eek: