Have a laugh at these nutjobs

NSX pilot and NSX PRIME insulted

Sorry...delete please and excuses me!
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Re: NSX pilot and NSX PRIME insulted

Thats ok ,now someone has to hammer this point home with shawn:wink:
Re: NSX pilot and NSX PRIME insulted

Thats ok ,now someone has to hammer this point home with shawn:wink:


Thanks for the chuckle DocJohn.

Oh, and now my co-workers want to know what I'm laughing about now.
Re: NSX pilot and NSX PRIME insulted


Thanks for the chuckle DocJohn.

Oh, and now my co-workers want to know what I'm laughing about now.

That may take all day:wink:

Now why would you go post over there when a) it is clearly as satirical site (as pointed out here numerous times) and b) if it weren't you would be lowering yourself as your arguments there would prove fruitless and just a waste of energy.

I actually read the first page and decided that to further read might actually lower my IQ a point or two and I need all of the points I can get. However, when I saw in this thread that you were going to "...join this site so I can rip into them..." I thought I'd fast forward to the last page to see if you followed through against the advice of your fellow Prime members.

Anyway, I saw your post and thought I'd clarify.....

The Mustang II that you reference from one of their posters is actually the second Mustang concept car from 1963 and not that actual Mustang II. For visual reference...

This is the original Mustang Concept...

This is the Mustang Concept II

as opposed to the actual Mustang II (1974-1978) (aka The Pinto Mustang)

Just giving you some knowledge for future reference. That's all, know you know a little more about Mustang.

Also, this "LOL I do 110 in 30MPH zones"....I know you're not serious, but come on, there are lower speed limits for a reason. Residential......remember, kids dart out into the road. Downtown, etc, there are reasons that the speed limit is 15, 20, 30 etc. It is dangerous to go much faster. Bragging about doing "110" in a 30 doesn't make you look cool, it makes you look.........rather silly and juvenile.

Do I drive my car faster than the speed limit? Sure, I got pulled over doing 46 in a 40 the other week (no ticket). Do I drive over 80mpg, etc. Sure....on the interstate where all the vehicles SHOULD (although they aren't always) be traveling in the same direction and a similar speeds, with very little likelihood of a pedestrian darting out in front of my car, or cross traffic trying to beat a light or misjudging my speed and pulling out in front of me.
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