Hate to do this to an S2K, but I just got to smoke him


27 May 2002
In the South
Coming off the 15 Freeway and into Pomerado Rd this afteroon, and there were a yellow S2K in front of me, thinking it is just like my car little brother,I think it is cool that the two of us is on the same road together. But as soon as we came off the off ramp, dude gun it on me. I didn't want to do this to a fellow Honda but I let him have it, even with the clutch slipping a little bit, by the time I was done with him and ready to turn back into my intended path, he was at least 5 or 6 car length behind me, thumb down all the way. But this has not been the first time, a similar incident happened 2 days ago with a 2000 black vette, he fared a little bit better than the S2k, but with the intake, exhaust, short gear? and I have lighten my vehicle quite a bit since I bought it, he too was a dissapearing act. I don't race too often but if the car is worthy and the opportunities present itself, why not. Just thought that this topic is interesting because I figure a few of us out there had encounter this kind of incidents, too.
Originally posted by Deqle:
Coming off the 15 Freeway and into Pomerado Rd this afteroon, and there were a yellow S2K in front of me, thinking it is just like my car little brother,I think it is cool that the two of us is on the same road together. But as soon as we came off the off ramp, dude gun it on me. I didn't want to do this to a fellow Honda but I let him have it, even with the clutch slipping a little bit, by the time I was done with him and ready to turn back into my intended path, he was at least 5 or 6 car length behind me, thumb down all the way. But this has not been the first time, a similar incident happened 2 days ago with a 2000 black vette, he fared a little bit better than the S2k, but with the intake, exhaust, short gear? and I have lighten my vehicle quite a bit since I bought it, he too was a dissapearing act. I don't race too often but if the car is worthy and the opportunities present itself, why not. Just thought that this topic is interesting because I figure a few of us out there had encounter this kind of incidents, too.

be careful of those Z06's though, they are tough to beat if you get a decent driver.
Funny- I got the same thing from an S2k the other day, not too racy, but he defintely thought he was "JOE COOL".....the Z06 is a fast car, C5 ok, but z06 is different..
Originally posted by Deqle:
...I don't race too often but if the car is worthy and the opportunities present itself, why not....

Because its dangerous and ILLEGAL! (That's why "kill" stories are so discouraged on this forum)

'91 Black/Black
Funny, you mention S2K. Most of the S2K guys I know in the bay area are faster than NSX drivers.

Bring it to the track, where you both will drive as best as you can. On the street it is too much variable. He might not even want to race you or don't want to take the risk. Funny, that most of the guys who thought they are great drivers get humbled in the track.

Go look at Honda Hall of Fame at Doug Hayashi's site. See if you can beat those S2K guys track times. If not, please keep your opinion to yourself.

[This message has been edited by Andrie Hartanto (edited 15 July 2002).]
I agree that streetracing or kill stories should not be in this board. However, not because they are chilidsh, pointless or dangerous or illegal. We all been in the position where we are a bit enthusiastic in pressing the gas pedal on the street. Either just for fun, a bit adrenaline kick, or just simply to feel the car.

I agree that kill stories should not be on this board simply to prevent people arguing my car is better than yours. What do you think when S2K people, or Corvette people see this post? They gonna respond and call this BS. People will start to argue and the thread will degenarate fast. Some of them will even go as far as challenging you on a street race.
Please,Andrie and Michigan NSX, don't get too upset about the story, I posted it up because I think this topic would be interesting to some people. But this is not the Bay area and the S2k are definitely slower than the NSX, either in stock form or if both cars are slightly modify, and I assures you that in both case with the S2k and the Vette, the street was quite clear, and both drivers instigated the race first, beside they were both slightly older gentlemen so I guess they must know what they are doing, remember I seriously think about our safety before we race. This is not so much as a kill story, but just a topic, I am sure that other NSX owners want to let loose on the strret every now and then , too. I know there will be time when I will run into a WORTHY vehicle that will be faster than mine, and he can post it up in his forum and it won't upset me, I always give credit where it's due. That is, until I have the 100 nitrous shot I plan to install in my car. Just so you know, I don't think I can compare myself to many competent drivers out here, but it's gonna change with time and practices on the track. Thank you
It is your car, do with it as you see fit. Until someone makes the car payment for you they don't really have a say so in what you do with it. I do think that most NSX owners are responsible enough to know when and when not to race someone. If they see fit the 'run what you brung'.

I get what you are saying and I respect your opinion Andrie, that is why I keep this off from the general NSX discussion forum, and no this is not about my toy is bigger than yours, it's just fun. Who know those guys might put something in their car and smoke the hell out of me next time.
Originally posted by 92NSX:
It is your car, do with it as you see fit. Until someone makes the car payment for you they don't really have a say so in what you do with it. I do think that most NSX owners are responsible enough to know when and when not to race someone. If they see fit the 'run what you brung'.

Do what you want with your car but all registered members of this forum are discouraged (by the moderators, not me) of writing and posting "kill" stories.

'91 Black/Black
Originally posted by Deqle:
Please,Andrie and Michigan NSX, don't get too upset about the story...

Along with Andrie, I am not "too upset". I noticed from the amounts of posts that you have made that you may be new to the forums and just wanted to let you know what the general attitude is here regarding street races (believe me, I have seen people slammed a lot harder than this for posting kill stories). About a week ago there was a "killed a new M3" thread, that had over 50 responses, that was deleted by the moderator because of the way the thread deteriorated.

This is in no way a personal attack, just a friendly reminder of the code of conduct of the website (that were not laid down by me

'91 Black/Black
You know 92 nsx , I am not getting slam at all, just different of opinions, baby. I am very considerate, but I will continue to post any stories as I see fit. I have had my NSX for a while and I only post up what's need to be post up, no need to use up all the space.