Has anyone seen this car in wa state?

1 September 2005
Seattle, Wa

I also posted this in the northwest threads but i looks like i would more responses here. If anyone knows something about this car that i dont that would be great, im going to be picking it up tomorrow. I mean i think its a killer deal, seller seams to be reputable, but the only thing that bothers me is that he doesnt have any service records due to the fact that he did them all himself, he is an engineer so.. Everything seems ok but i still cant help feeling something isnt right cause i think its too good of a deal almost. Anyway Thanks in advance. I promised myself i wouldnt post till i actually owned an nsx but i guess im close enough. THanks guys.
Sockeye said:
I have not seen the car but I live about 1 hr away and could maybe meet him in the middle if you want me to take a gander and give you an opinion :cool:

Well im looking at the car today, but man i wanna say thanks for the offer. Thats pretty cool of ya. Hopefully it goes well.