Has any used an Air Man Cordless Air Pump

22 March 2003
West Los Angeles, CA, USA
SoCalDude said:
Might make a good alternative for those who no longer have the original oem pump.
Well, it won't fit in the recess in the trunk floor. If that's not a concern, you can get an inexpensive air pump that just plugs into the cigarette lighter (no cordless option) anywhere. I got one for under $15 at Target (their own brand).
I had one that I gave liftcontrol when he bought my car becuase I didn't have a stock airpump when I got my car. I used it around the house and for rafts and things of the sort mostly. Compared to the stock pump in my M3, the airman was very weak. It is convienent becuase it has a battery as well as a car plug, but for the NSX spare it would take all day to pump up with the airman plus it gets hot fast.

Moral of the story: it's awesome for beach toys and air beds, but I'd pass for your NSX spare if you have not purchased yet.

SoCalDude said:
Is it this one?
Well, that shows the 120V (household current) model, not the portable model that plugs into your cigarette lighter (although it mentions it). I don't know if the portable model is that one or a smaller one. I seem to recall they had several different models in the store. It said "300 psi air compressor" on the box (all lowercase letters).

But any good auto parts store, or auto parts section of a department store, should have several models to choose from.

I bought the one I bought primarily because it was the least expensive one there. Given my needs (only very occasional use), it's perfect.
nsxtasy said:
Well, it won't fit in the recess in the trunk floor. If that's not a concern, you can get an inexpensive air pump that just plugs into the cigarette lighter (no cordless option) anywhere. I got one for under $15 at Target (their own brand).

How big is the one from Target as well as its pumping rate? I was in dire straits the other day and was running around like a mad man trying to find a coin operated air pump :mad: The OEM pump doesn't really do anything so I'll need to get something like this.