harness for CF wing's third brake light.

22 December 2008
Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada
I recently order a CF wing for my baby and im now in the process of waiting. So now im trying to gather some info. on installation, which i must say is super easy. BUT i did read that the brake light is easy to hook up but it does not have a harness.

I want to keep everything stock and i dont want to cut into any wires. I also did a search and found only one topic related to this. one individual posted the part # for the factory harness but unfortunately Acura has discontinued this piece. :(

for the people who own a DF CF wing, How did you guys hook it up without butchering the factory harness and is it possible to fab. up a connector to mate to the OEM harness?

If anyone has pics please post so i can see what this harness looks like.

Thanks guys
I personally always use these type of connectors on projects:

VERY durable, heat resistant, they connect very firmly, easy to solder and snap the connector in place, and you can disconnect VERY quickly. I cut the OEM harness and installed those and also on my wing, plugged it in, tucked in the extra wire, and installed. Simple enough!
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I installed one just last week. The wing comes with a twin lead wire with a few extra feet of length. I cut the connector from the original wing harness end and used (2)barrel spices to connect the CF wing wiring to the original wing connector. Snapped it in, and installed the wing. I chose this route so I would keep the original wiring intact for the trunk harness, also I did it in a way I could restore the original wing wiring with two new barrel spices, if needed.

So....if this is a butcher job, opps;). But I know I can fully restore it if needed, and that is a top priority for all mods I do.

BTW, the original wing has got some wieght to it, and has the 6 bolts hanging downward(3 on each side). To protect the trunk make sure you put down a mat/cover, since you need to lay the wing on the trunk while you fish out the wiring:). I used a shipping blanket over the trunk, since my NSX service cover covers the wing as well;).

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