Just bought a '91 today.
This fun little problem of course didn't show up until after the test drive, PPI, and I get it home.
Alot of the time it will shift totally fine, sliding right out of gear and into the next. But, quite frequently it will be very difficult to get the shifter "out" of gear and back into neutral. I have to really coax it out and feel like I'm going to break something.
The clutch pedal is of course, depressed all the way in while doing this. It has happened in all the gears except 1st.
It never "grinds" at all.
Is this a sign of impending clutch failure? snap ring? [it's out of range] synchro wear?
Anyone have any ideas? I searched all over and couldn't find any info about this.
This fun little problem of course didn't show up until after the test drive, PPI, and I get it home.
Alot of the time it will shift totally fine, sliding right out of gear and into the next. But, quite frequently it will be very difficult to get the shifter "out" of gear and back into neutral. I have to really coax it out and feel like I'm going to break something.
The clutch pedal is of course, depressed all the way in while doing this. It has happened in all the gears except 1st.
It never "grinds" at all.
Is this a sign of impending clutch failure? snap ring? [it's out of range] synchro wear?
Anyone have any ideas? I searched all over and couldn't find any info about this.