Happy Hour at Champps Americana Uptown Park Friday April 4th 6pm

Rain or shine, my NSX will be there. I can't say that about some other members :biggrin:
Whats up guys!!! I should be making it out there! Can somebody shoot me a text around 4:30 in the afternoon to remind me! :wink:
the weather will be fine. The streets just maybe a bit wet but super clear tomorrow night after an early rain tomorrow day/afternoon

and of course, I'm in either way. RAIN or SHINE!!!!
See ya this early evening.

Don't let the threat of t-storms in montgomery county scare ya away
Ty - When did you move to Houston?

Rain - come on guys do you own a Ferrari? Just think of it as a good excuse to detail/wax the car thoroughly on Sunday.
i wish it didnt rain, i saw a couple of members when i show up but everyone seem to leaving. i hope we can have a meet again soon. damm rain!!! by the way i didnt get you meet you matt. nice car bro.
Hello! I am sorry that I missed out on the Houston meet. I just moved back two weeks ago from NYC. I have a '92 Black on Black that just turned 30k miles (looking forward to driving it more!). Can you all direct me to a good mechanic for the 30K service in Houston. I left several messages via phone and e-mail to Carl but have not heard back. I tried Jason at Stoopid Fast, but his NSX techs have moved on. If you all have any information, I would GREATLY appreciate it. My e-mail is [email protected]. I look forward to meeting everyone in person!

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thanks boys for meeting up...sorry I missed a few of yall. Tommy it was good to meet ya and lets all see ya in a couple of weeks in Austin. Lets start to get the caravans together!!!!

Sorry I missed the meeting at Champs. I had all the best intentions...then mother nature intervened with lots of rain and strong winds in NW Houston.

Maybe next time....Jim