Happy Birthday Tony D and me!

4 November 2007
Westchester County, NY
Happy Birthday Tony since we share the same birthday and you are in Japan at this time I figured I would beat you to the punch. Wait a minute, it's already yesterday there, I guess you forgot...:eek:...so happy belated birthday.

You must have had a great Birthday over there, wish I could have made it.

Hope all is well and we will see you soon.

Happy Birthday to Tytus and Bags' lesser half!!!:eek:
happy birthday from another sad guy that could not go to Japan..:frown:
Happy Birthday guys.
Apologies for the belated greetings but have been too depressed watching all the fun in Japan and have not been paying attention to the NE Forum

Hope you both had Fantastic Birthdays and celebrated with Sake:biggrin:
Happy B'day Tytus!
I received too many b'day wishes in Japan:smile:

I can say that even with the singing of Happy Birthday to me in the bus and trains in Japan - everyone still needs singing lessons!:biggrin:

Had a great time spending my birthday in Japan!
Most of my b'day gifts cost me money.

Ms Purple treated me to icecream at 270km/h! - thanks again:smile:

Ms Puple sounds like a fast lady. I don't think I want to know WHY your gifts cost you money, but I can just imagine.

Glad to see you had a good time and I am Jealous as hell that I couldn't make the trip...:mad:

Thanks to all for the acalades.

Already sang to Tony on the bullet train, so I will wish you a Happy Birthday Tytus.
Hope you had a wonderful day. :smile:
Happy Birthday Tytus.

mmm.... Tony beat you by 14 hours!!!!!!!!


Ms Purple sounds like a fast lady. I don't think I want to know WHY your gifts cost you money, but I can just imagine.

Glad to see you had a good time and I am Jealous as hell that I couldn't make the trip...:mad:

Thanks to all for the acalades.

Ms. Purple
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What the pics don't show is Dave loping along some distance behind her. Look at that smile.
She had so much fun and enthusiasm.
I love these two. What a great couple. Really nice folks to be around and to travel with.
Thanks Mai for getting us back home on the subway.

Happy birthday guys. BTW that date was my Dad's birthday as well.:smile:
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Happy birthday guys!

I look forward to hearing about the Japan trip at our annual NE holiday dinner. Did you bring back any hopes for a next-generation NSX?
Happy Belated Tytus!

Took four days to recoup, but I'm back. Singing to Tony on the train and bus were priceless. (nobody will pay to hear us sing!)
1 More belated Birthday Wish to you Tytus . You already got yours Tony. You really should be thankful you didn't have to endure our singing. Twice. Though we did end up with some extra room in our train car after it!

Miss Purple was moving a sacred object from one bus to another. Your next NSX Driver will explain all.
I want to wish the dynamic duo a Happy Belated Birthday; I could say a great Pair of T but some body might mis -construe that remark..Oh well any how we will all be getting together at the Holiday Party ??? Best Wishes to the two of usz Clem & Lori: :biggrin::biggrin:
I want to wish the dynamic duo a Happy Belated Birthday; I could say a great Pair of T but some body might mis -construe that remark..Oh well any how we will all be getting together at the Holiday Party ??? Best Wishes to the two of usz Clem & Lori: :biggrin::biggrin:
Clem, you should have approached this differently, like wishing them an early Happy Birthday for next year, instead of being late.........................again!!!!:eek::wink::biggrin: