Happy Birthday Nev!!!

15 January 2003
Rye Brook, NY, USA
You might live out west nowadays, but you're still a NE for life!!! Have a great day (sure hope you still check in here every now and then!) Go buy yourself a new pair of shoes!!!:wink:
Happy birthday Nev. I will always remember the run we went on when my rear tire blew out and you and Alan saved me! Big time!:wink:
Happy belated,my favorite Nev memory is the story of Larry B having to break into your own house:eek:
I forgot all about that story. A true classic. Happy Birthday Nev!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We miss you.
Happy Birthday my friend:cool:
Folks, Nev says thanks for the B'day wishes. He hasn't been on Prime for a while and got locked out so he is having trouble posting. So I thought I would pass along his thoughts of appreciation for thinking of him.
Bob,that is very clever!!!!