
12 April 2002
Houston, Texas USA
Anyone who has a company named "Billionaire Italian Couture" should be flogged.:tongue:
:wink: pretty sure he knows that and doesn't care, either. :wink:

+1 :wink:

A lot of ppl criticize these relationships as "fake", although I think they are real in the truest sense of the term. If biology teaches us anything, it's that females tend to go for the fittest males of the bunch. For animals, fit may correlate higher with physical ability than intellectual ability, but for humans fit is often correlated with financial wealth--which itself is highly correlated with power, intelligence, aggressiveness, etc. I mean, since fitness is survival evolutionarily speaking, physical ability (e.g. nest-building, hunting and fighting ability) are key to it. Since homo sapiens have developed civilizations with laws and order (relatively), those things become less important compared to financial stability. Fitness or survival needs things like financial stability, housing, transportation, health coverage, etc. So if you think about it in those terms, it makes perfect sense for women to go after guys who can provide the best fitness/survival advantage for not only themselves but their offspring as well.

It's totally normal for ppl to be attracted to money/fame/wealth/power. No different than being attracted to someone for their looks/intelligence. I mean, you hear about ppl saying "Well she would never be with him if he didn't have his money" but you never hear "She would never be with him if he didn't have his genius." Both are accomplishments of the individual, whether that accomplishment was worked for or inherited. Reading Albert Einstein's biography, I discovered he was what we would call a "player" today. I have no doubt it was due to his genius and not his ravaging good looks.

If she were out to take his money away, that's a different story. That is just a gold-digger. But being attracted to someone for some qualities they possess sounds fair game to me.

But I definitely agree, if he were an avg joe, I would venture as to say he wouldn't have a chance with her. Not that she is stupendous, but they just seem a lil mismatched (hope that's not too judgmental since I don't know the guy at all).
Can't believe he has been with Hiedi Klum and than this girl.

Unbelievable. More power to him. D*&M A$$HOLE!!:wink:
You can use money to buy material things including love (temporary happiness)

However, I don't think you can buy "true" happiness with money.

A good example is looking at Brittney Spear. She is famous, rich but I don't think she can use her money to get "true" happiness.
She chooses to be self destructive. She could be happy at any point, but shooses to put herself into painful situations. Your point falls short of reality.

On a side note, the people who believe that money can't buy happiness are the same people who believe size doesn't matter.

Sorry about you luck. On both accounts. :D
You can use money to buy material things including love (temporary happiness)

However, I don't think you can buy "true" happiness with money.

A good example is looking at Brittney Spear. She is famous, rich but I don't think she can use her money to get "true" happiness.

Burt reynolds said it best. "I'll take the fortune, but you can keep the fame!"

Having (real)money will make me truly happy. Having fame is hard to handle money or not.
It seems like the most recent beautiful ladies that he has been with all have a substantial amount of money themselves.

I believe he must have other attributes that are attractive to the opposite sex other than his money.

I also believe that because he has these other attributes it has allowed him to be very successful at what he does and deserves to be happy.

I believe that for the most part people who truly earn their money appreciate it more and are happier. People who win the lotto, are given everything from their parents, instant fame, etc... don't know how to deal with the money and lets in rule them in many ways. Normally a successful business man has become successful over many years and appreciates all he has.

I know a few individuals who became "rich" in dishonest ways and normally they are never happy. I also know someone who is quite wealthy that owns strip clubs, he is one of the most miserable people I have ever met. I don't think the average person could ever be happy scamming people or stealing to make their money.

IMHO good people will be normally be happy whether they have money or not and bad people will be unhappy whether they have money or not.

Maybe that is Karma! :smile:
It seems like the most recent beautiful ladies that he has been with all have a substantial amount of money themselves.

I believe he must have other attributes that are attractive to the opposite sex other than his money.

I also believe that because he has these other attributes it has allowed him to be very successful at what he does and deserves to be happy.

I believe that for the most part people who truly earn their money appreciate it more and are happier. People who win the lotto, are given everything from their parents, instant fame, etc... don't know how to deal with the money and lets in rule them in many ways. Normally a successful business man has become successful over many years and appreciates all he has.

I know a few individuals who became "rich" in dishonest ways and normally they are never happy. I also know someone who is quite wealthy that owns strip clubs, he is one of the most miserable people I have ever met. I don't think the average person could ever be happy scamming people or stealing to make their money.

IMHO good people will be normally be happy whether they have money or not and bad people will be unhappy whether they have money or not.

Maybe that is Karma! :smile:

I'm pretty sure that I've said it before.... but it's fair to repeat :
I agree with carguy those women already were financially stable.

I will say i know a few women who are not financially stable and are/were personal friends of mine that "play" guys for their money (quote the "were friends" since i don't like what they do/did). They don't have money themselves but have good looks so they use it for there advantage. Its like "extrostion" i called it which they do not like. I'm an honest person and dislike criminal undermining. They would never play myself but, would everyone else. So all you guy's with deep pocket books and drive exotic cars there targeting you guy's. They already/tried some guy (not mentioning any names) in SoCal with a gallardo and aston martain DBR. LoL :eek: I know not all women are like this but, these ones are. They cheat on there Boyfriends too to get money (although the boyfriend is a hustler himself). But, with all this money that isn't there's it can never buy them happiness. They have no real ambitions or personalities. They just jump upon the new trend. I have seen her spend $20,000 in a few weeks and seen them with nothing to show for it so i don't know what they do with all this money they get from these guys.
Money itself cannot buy happiness. At least, not for very long. All money does is enable, giving one more choices.

Like every choice or series thereof; people can either choose wisely and make smart decisions, or choose unwisely and just f$ck it all up in the end. With gobs of money or without... people seem to do quite well with both everyday. Either way, the only difference is how spectacular the presentation will be for the peanut gallery.

As CarGuy's underlying message goes to speak- anyone that has gotten to the top will tell you that the road taken was far more important than the final destination. Put in car talk... winning a race by cheating might get you a podium, but it will never get you a championship much less an iconic career.

For those whom can't yet find the bounds of the understanding circle so as to draw this very important distinction, then let me just say plainly that if you are regularly taking the low road at every opportunistic intersection- I suggest to be wary. Progress is the most common of all illusions.

Familiar song I believe. How does it go? "You can borrow from the devil You can borrow from a friend. The devil'll loan ya twenty But your friend got only ten."

I'm no religious nut, but I know that borrowing from the devil means being in familiar company. Think of him as your banker and each mis-deed as a micro loan. Might not want to get in over your head...

What goes around comes around, right?

Don't they teach that on America's Next Top Model?
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well said john!
I agree with carguy those women already were financially stable.

I will say i know a few women who are not financially stable and are/were personal friends of mine that "play" guys for their money (quote the "were friends" since i don't like what they do/did). They don't have money themselves but have good looks so they use it for there advantage. Its like "extrostion" i called it which they do not like. I'm an honest person and dislike criminal undermining. They would never play myself but, would everyone else. So all you guy's with deep pocket books and drive exotic cars there targeting you guy's. They already/tried some guy (not mentioning any names) in SoCal with a gallardo and aston martain DBR. LoL :eek: I know not all women are like this but, these ones are. They cheat on there Boyfriends too to get money (although the boyfriend is a hustler himself). But, with all this money that isn't there's it can never buy them happiness. They have no real ambitions or personalities. They just jump upon the new trend. I have seen her spend $20,000 in a few weeks and seen them with nothing to show for it so i don't know what they do with all this money they get from these guys.

Do you think both of them are available at the same time for 5 grand?:biggrin:
Do you think both of them are available at the same time for 5 grand?:biggrin:

probably they aren't friends anymore and one lives on the west coast. As she says "time is money" They all wear facades and act like they're somebody important or has $$$. There ex-bf recently bought a NSX too. He owns a shop which I do not know how it gets funded. But like I said about facades he has knock-off volks with real volk centercaps and gramlight stickers on them. I feel sorry who buys them. But we're getting off subject I'm just ranting on people who use people now. She even changed her diet, religion, fake british accent, ECT to look more "California"
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