Halo 2

NeoNSX said:
PC vs Console... a debate that should be added to Forums Nazi's "be careful" list along with religious, political and best-wax discussions.

I prefer a PC. Nothing beats a 22" non-interlaced monitor + 5.1 sound playing a first-person shooter at 1600x1200 w/ max detail liquid smooth. Once you've experienced that, console's look dated with crappy low-res textures and simplistic gameplay ...i've said enough.

Also nothing beats multiplayer on a LAN... I've played in many 25 player games, and there's nothing more satisfying that dropping a friend in the back or with a melee kill. Even 4 player games are great; there's no need to play against AI so the gameplay is always more intelligent and challenging.

But console's are very popular. One thing i do dislike strongly are games released on console then ported to PC... very rarely are the games good. They are either over simplified or have simplified graphics & textures. Console's are always the lower denominator.

And the WSAD keyboard over a controller for FPS's has already been covered. Although controllers are better for other games. ie. car racing.

Please remember this is my opinion, and in the same way I respect your opinions please respect mine. Let's all be nice. :)

<B>steveny</B> : i had an eye on MoV (loved Medal of honor) but read a lot of mixed reviews and bugs (like the sound not working for Audigy owners). So i'm holding off on this title... maybe the bugfixes will resolve things and add a jump button. ;)

I agree with you you Neo. I can't see how anyone who has played both a console and a PC could then perfer a PC? I have my pc set up so it is more comfortable than the couch in the living room. With my feet up on the desk and a custom made chair which has about 5 extra inches of foam in it I couldn't be more comfortable.

The pc needs the mouse/keybaord because game play is much smoother and more difficult than a console. :D :D Console/controller = caveman with a rock. PC/keyboard/mouse = modern day man with a high powered rifle.

MoV. I have a Sound Blaster 5.1 and no problems with the sound. Did you play Call of Duty? What games do you play online?
I think it's because mouse is easier to aim than controller

I find it twitchy. Its to have one controller, rather than two seperate items playing a game and the force feedback which is a must with fps games.

I prefer a PC. Nothing beats a 22" non-interlaced monitor + 5.1 sound playing a first-person shooter at 1600x1200 w/ max detail liquid smooth. Once you've experienced that, console's look dated with crappy low-res textures and simplistic gameplay ...i've said enough

My plasma 32inch screen, with surround sound i would much prefer! The rest of your sentence is console bashing! Graphics are generally better if you have a top end system but i would/do prefer not having to pay through the nose to update my games system to accomodate each new game that comes out. Pc has games with simplistic game play too. Have you played every xbox title?

Also nothing beats multiplayer on a LAN

Doesn't xbox have LAN, or is the xbox equivalent 'system link'? We've had three xboxes and three big screen tv's set up with 12 (can do 16)players and that was a riot. Melee's included. My opinion! :D

I can't see how anyone who has played both a console and a PC could then perfer a PC

Me either, sitting at a desk is just wrong. :D

Console/controller = caveman with a rock. PC/keyboard/mouse = modern day man with a high powered rifle.

Many would say the other way around. I guess its what you grow up with. But even my computer savvy lan partying nerdaphilles have turned and all bought xboxes and joined in the console multiplayer goodness. The fun factor people!

like i said, this is all opinions and i respect yours BUT..... i had to reply this. :D

ajnsx said:
I find it twitchy. Its to have one controller, rather than two seperate items playing a game and the force feedback which is a must with fps games.

I used to be a hardcore consoler; then once i got past the weirdness of keyboard/mouse i've never looked back. i've since tried a PS/2 and realized what i wasn't missing. Console controllers have soooooo many buttons in different places it's crazy (though i realize in time I'd adjust)

sorry, i felt feedback via the controller was silly and doesn't add to the excitement. Now feedback via a chair in a racing game is a different matter. ;)

ajnsx said:
My plasma 32inch screen, with surround sound i would much prefer! The rest of your sentence is console bashing! Graphics are generally better if you have a top end system but i would/do prefer not having to pay through the nose to update my games system to accomodate each new game that comes out. Pc has games with simplistic game play too. Have you played every xbox title?

Again, it comes down to preference. I look at TV's and plasma's and see low resolutions with flicker. even HDTV is 720 or 1080i. My 22" CRT runs games at 2048x1536 if I want. At those resolutions theres no need for Anti-Aliasing. :eek: When you get up close, the detail is astounding. the detail for distant objects on TV's and whatnot get lost in the lack of precision. Also consoles have lower specs so detail is not a priority and is often cut.

I dont want to sound like a broken record, i grow tired reading noobs on forums who say consoles look better than a PC because 'they say so', so forgive me if my frustration if it comes out in my writing. (hey, you're aussie AJ... you will always rock IMO :D ) Maybe if you compare a console to a cheap PC with a sucky video card, yeah. But games designed on PC that are ported to console are always trimmed down; especially textures. And games from Console ported to PC usually have their textures improved (eg. GTA series). Also consoles are limited to smaller maximum texture size than PC's at the moment. i can't tell you exactly what the PS/2 and XBOX support at the moment, but latest round of graphics cards support 2048x2048. that's MASSIVELY eye-popping-out-on-stalks detail. The UNREAL3 engine in development will have characters with a 2048x2048 texture for their face. just their face!!! That means ultra realistic detail even when zoomed in super-close. So yeah, in summary... the PC is more detailed. It just depends on whether the player cares or not, and what they're used to.

oh... nice sounding setup you have btw. big is always better. :D

ajnsx said:
Doesn't xbox have LAN, or is the xbox equivalent 'system link'? We've had three xboxes and three big screen tv's set up with 12 (can do 16)players and that was a riot. Melee's included. My opinion! :D

Then you know what i'm talking about... multiplayer is awesome. You should try a 32 player server, or Battlefield 1942/Vietnam which supports 64 players at the same time. It's unbelieveable chaos ... it's REAL war! :D

I personally prefer my gaming without split-screens. Split screens again take away detail, and often i dont like people seeing what i'm doing while playing (ok... i like to play a little dirty sometimes and 'accidentally' TK my teammates. :D :D :D )

ajnsx said:
Me either, sitting at a desk is just wrong. :D

LOL.... more ergonomical than a couch. better posture too. :D
Again, there's nothing stopping you from playing a PC in a bean bag...

ajnsx said:
Many would say the other way around. I guess its what you grow up with. But even my computer savvy lan partying nerdaphilles have turned and all bought xboxes and joined in the console multiplayer goodness. The fun factor people! :D

Ahhh.... but i was a hardcore-consoler who went the PC and have never looked back.
steveny said:
I agree with you you Neo....

Thanks man. That makes two of us. :p :D

A mouse/keyboard is the only way to play FPS's... even my buddy who owns every console you can imagine has conceeded that. The precision and immediate reaction are unmatched. Just wait... the XBOX will come out with keyboads/mice and consolers will be buying them in droves... the new innovation! :p

steveny said:
PC/keyboard/mouse = modern day man with a high powered rifle.

I like this. so true. i'm gonna quote this.

steveny said:
MoV. I have a Sound Blaster 5.1 and no problems with the sound. Did you play Call of Duty? What games do you play online?

i notice MoV has a 1.3 patch released, but haven't seen a changelog ( ...work prevents me from full-time gaming :rolleyes: ). I've played CoD: LOVED IT. I also played some of the new expansion pack at a mate's place... loved it too. We play CoD multiplayer -- this is the 25 multiplayer game i mentioned in an above post. It's awesome. I always came 1st to 3rd on the scoreboard too. ;)

Online... i LOVE America's Army. I have 32 honor in that game which equals sooooo many wasted hours. :D lol. But commitments have prevented me from playing for a couple of months. Best online game i've ever played.... and it's free too.

lately i've just been playing some demo's that have come out... like MoH:Pacific Assault, Full Spectrum Warrior, Far Cry... i only have enough time to play the demo's and best of all, it saves me $$$$$$$$$ :D But my video card is begging for some action. Maybe during the holidays.

What games do you play online SteveNY? ;)
NeoNSX said:
What games do you play online SteveNY? ;)

At the present time
Call of Duty, maybe we should play together sometime. My screen name is Wigtwister. My favorite map is rocket.

I also have doom 3 set up for online play but I am going to delete it from my PC. I finished D3, the game was pretty good but the multiplayer is too much like CS. Just run around and kill people, no objective. Although CoD multiplayer is much the same for some reason I really like it.

I spent a ton of time on Half-life servers playing Dustbowl, I love that map. I think half-life server games are no more. I tried to open up the HL multiplayer the other day and got nothing. Capture the flag games remind me of when I was a kid running around in the woods with friends playing war games.
I finish the single player mode, then check out the multiplayer game. If the multiplayer game sucks I sell the game or trade it against a new one at Electronics Boutique. No sense in keeping around games that I will never play again.
So although I have played just about every game that has hit the market my collection of keepers is very small.
Here's the list
Empire Earth
Age of the Empires II
Sim City 3000
Half life
HL code blue
Hl Opposing force
Call of Duty
Men of Valor
Need for speed

I remember when I first played on the HL servers. I thought DAMN this is unbelievable, finally I have a game where the competition is as good or better than me. Playing against AI is fun but playing against humans is challenging. It brings a whole new element to the game. The first time I hooked up multiplayer I stayed up and played for 30+ hours, I just could not stop.

I will check out Americas army as soon as I finish MoV.
i've since tried a PS/2 and realized what i wasn't missing

The ps2 is the only console i've never bought, i found that lucklustre also. The dreamcast was the best console i've ever had in terms of games. But just as the pc has got awesome games so do the consoles. They often target a slightly different audience.

Ahhh.... but i was a hardcore-consoler who went the PC and have never looked back

Fair enough, but my point was they love both platforms for what they are and what they provide. Before they were pc heads who thought console games were 'beneath' them. They both have advantages!

Console controllers have soooooo many buttons in different places it's crazy (though i realize in time I'd adjust)

I feel the same about keyboards! But i love feedback gives guns extra feel, racetrack edges more liveliness, crashes more physicality(is that a word :confused: )

dont want to sound like a broken record, i grow tired reading noobs on forums who say consoles look better than a PC because 'they say so', so forgive me if my frustration if it comes out in my writing. (hey, you're aussie AJ... you will always rock IMO ) Maybe if you compare a console to a cheap PC with a sucky video card, yeah. But games designed on PC that are ported to console are always trimmed down

I definately agree, i've never said that consoles were better graphics wise. Any monkey knows a well sorted computer will blow away a console in terms of graphics. I like the idea of consoles with plug 'n' play guarantees. No installing, worries about compatibility etc.But i like a big screen lounge room setting for gaming. For a computer ninja like yourself pixels/mapping/textures are a big deal (and understand it!). But as you said its what gamers prefer. The convienence and set up of consoles suit me. Options are lovely :)

but i was a hardcore-consoler who went the PC and have never looked back

Real gamers love both! I'd like a high end pc too but then i'd never get out. I'd love to paticipate in 32 player battles. Next gen consoles may/will offer this eventually!:D

personally prefer my gaming without split-screens. Split screens again take away detail, and often i dont like people seeing what i'm doing while playing (ok... i like to play a little dirty sometimes and 'accidentally' TK my teammates.

I agree, though the xbox does have system link were each has there own screen too. Again its nice to have the splitscreen option, especially when you live in a rabbit hutch as small as mine! On a widescreen tele the split screen (horizontally) isn't so bad.:)

Neo, I'd love to hear what you have to say on Halo 2 multiplayer online if you get a chance to play it. I've been hearing good things. I'd like to know if it stacks up to the pc experience or are the reviewers blowing smoke up my stack ( i'm considering xbox live)

the XBOX will come out with keyboads/mice and consolers will be buying them in droves... the new innovation!

I have heard you can get these for the xbox now (dreamcast had it, but didn't sell well, market reaction then was 'i may as well have a computer then'). I read that the reaction time (in Halo 2 specifically)of the in-game cursors dont change they have a set speed so a mouse set up wouldn't have any advantage over a joypad. Read on bungie.net i think, where the kids were boohooing again.
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I completed MoV. Good Game, Last Mision is very difficult, took me most of today to complete it. If you pick up this game and get to the point where you have to walk down a flooded road make sure you have full health because you won't make it to the end without full health.
Just picked up battlefeild Vietnam. I will report back when I complete it.
Hey AJ, let's leave it as we're both right. :D

<B>steveny</B> : how do you find CoD online? I've played it a couple of times, but there were cheaters and lame sniping which really sucked. No problem, i got my money's worth out of the game with LAN playing which is more controlled. :) My favourite map is mp_carentan. My favourite weapon is the M1 Garand. (you yanks sure know how to make kick-butt guns! :D )

I had a mate install D3 on my computer just so we could see how it looked on my PC. I played the first few levels with him then deleted it. (seriously, no joke) Great graphics, but the gameplay was very repetitive and with the little "game time" I have i really do prefer multiplayer games. I also felt uneasy playing a game with so much occult influence. But that's a personal decision. I play games for fun... D3 wasn't fun.

Let's see...what other games have i played on your list. HL and TFC are classic. Need for Speed Underground (lol... biggest waste of money for me... i should have pirated it. I played with the Civic, then got busy on a project and have never returned to it. Plus it advertised multiplayer support but that's not via a LAN. :mad: sorely gibbed on that). I love the GTA series... i got a long way in VC when my saved games corrupted. :( Haven't returned back to it.

With America's Army... when you first play it, it sucks. It's a lot different to other online shooters. No running & jumping into the fray. ;) It strives for realism and as a result it has some complexities to learn. Just follow and backup the good players, and you'll learn from them. Also never shoot unless you're sure it's an enemy. Friendly Fire will punish you with negative scores which effect your "honour" rating. When you get 15 Honor points, you can play as a Special Forces operative with customized weapons. :D And that, my friend, is awesome. :D

last game... i notice you like a lot of strategy games. i'm a FPS fan, but i've been getting into Command and Conquer Generals: Zero Hour multiplayer. I've been playing that with mates on a LAN, and it's great fun! Nothing more fun than dropping a nuke on a teammate. :D :D :D

i've played Battlefield 1942 and Vietname at a LAN shop... soooo much fun. :D i have a buddy who is expert at choppers and jets. I would get up close behind an enemy flag, call him in to drop napalm on it, then i'd walk in and capture the spawn point. ;) I LOVE teamplay like that!

enjoyed talking games with you...
who has Xbox Live? you can find me as NSXrebel. I just got it over the weekend and i like it so far, spent several hours playing last night. well i hope to see some of you online.
NSXrebel said:
who has Xbox Live? you can find me as NSXrebel. I just got it over the weekend and i like it so far, spent several hours playing last night. well i hope to see some of you online.

Look me up! My tag is JuicedNSX. Guess we'll be easy to find. Had a guy that kept yelling at me, "You do not own an NSX!!" After I shot him in the back of the head I politely explained, "In fact I do."

Him: "Oh yeah, well I'm in first place!"

Me:"Congratulations. Now hop on your moped and go tell your friends how great you are."

Him:"Errr....Good come back man." Laughs. :biggrin:
I just can't get excited about those kinds of games.
I guess you can call me a geek because I'm addicted to Intelligent Qube, Sports trivia, Jeopardy and Tetris.