Halo 2

i'm gonna see if my local Toys R Us is open to go pick it up right now
Obviously plenty of people did today because nobody is posting here. :D

It's got a lot of good reviews... 90%+ all the way. Too bad it's still just a console game. ;)
I hope to kill you...er, play you guys online!:D Maybe in some Red vs. Blue Capture the Elbow Grease? (You are a complete dork if you know what I'm referring to.)
Newspaper story says that this will be the hottest 24 hours in retail history for a video game release and it is projected to bring in more revenue than any blockbuster movie.

Almost makes me wish I had an X-Box... :(
Briank said:
I wondered why there was lines at EB and Game Stop stores last night at 11:30.

Newspaper also has stories of kids lining up for hours to be able to buy the game at 12:01 this morning and then going home and playing all night - and staying home from school today with "Halo Flu" :rolleyes::eek::rolleyes:
Juice said:
I hope to kill you...er, play you guys online!:D Maybe in some Red vs. Blue Capture the Elbow Grease? (You are a complete dork if you know what I'm referring to.)

hey! red vs blue is hillarious :p
Juice said:
I hope to kill you...er, play you guys online!:D Maybe in some Red vs. Blue Capture the Elbow Grease? (You are a complete dork if you know what I'm referring to.)

Steveny=dork then. :D Now that is out of the way let me ask a stupid question. I do not own an XBOX but I am going to buy one just to play Halo2. What is the procedure and the cost if any to play on line with an XBOX. It would be very cool to get a bunch of Prime members together and play a few rounds each week. Any one play Men of Valor yet? I just picked it up Sunday. Very good IMO.
Sucks that I have a killer PC and MSFT doesn't put out the PC version of Halo2 at the sametime as the XBOX version.

Hurry up and release Half-Life2 damit.
If someone would have told me 20 years ago that the 21st century is going to be replete with full grown, adult men spending much time playing video games, I would've laughed in your face.

But then again, that's what I thought about bottled water too.
Hey, we are the 2600 kids all grown up. They gave us an addiction in our youth and it stuck. I don't play VG's nearly as much, but there is something very satifying about crushing your friends skull with the back end of a 9mm or getting an inta-gib from a head shot you fired from the other side of the board.

And then laughing at them again after you spawn-kill them!
i guess i was one of those dorks that stood in line at EB games last night at midnight to pick up a copy... haha... but i guess its more the "buzz" that got me. i mean, i got into halo (the first one) nearly 1-2 years after its release. i can see that its a fun game... but i still don't understand why SUCH the craze. seems like any other 1st person shooter; just in a different scenario, setting, new weapons, etc... so the "buzz" about halo 2 being such a big deal lured me into reserving an advance copy of it... so i had a chance to pop it in and play at least the first mission last night before going to bed... and all i can say is.... its coo, its aite... but its fun...
anyone getting it today

Who's not getting it, would be easier!

Mine arrives on friday, mmm collectors edition.

Anyone up for a game of Asteriods??

We had that in our kitchen at home(in the early 80's) the original table top version!

If someone would have told me 20 years ago that the 21st century is going to be replete with full grown, adult men spending much time playing video games, I would've laughed in your face

You're speaking to the star wars generation! :D

Almost makes me wish I had an X-Box

Or you could just wait for 'XBOX next' due out late next year,/early 2006 ;)
JDMnsxR said:
i guess i was one of those dorks that stood in line at EB games last night at midnight to pick up a copy... haha... but i guess its more the "buzz" that got me. i mean, i got into halo (the first one) nearly 1-2 years after its release. i can see that its a fun game... but i still don't understand why SUCH the craze. seems like any other 1st person shooter; just in a different scenario, setting, new weapons, etc... so the "buzz" about halo 2 being such a big deal lured me into reserving an advance copy of it... so i had a chance to pop it in and play at least the first mission last night before going to bed... and all i can say is.... its coo, its aite... but its fun...

I think all the buzz is due to all the marketing. Microsoft has made the release seem larger than life. It means a lot to them in terms of Xbox sales this xmas. Halo was everywhere on the internet today. Samsung has some big special on their web site where they were showing the "benefits" of Halo2 on the DLP tvs. Halo was on the AIM Today page, the front of Microsofts site, etc. And those were only sites i happened to look at today. They've done a great job of getting everyone fired up about it. I still think FPS games are better with a keyboard and mouse. Looking forward to Half Life 2. =)
dawggpie said:
I still think FPS games are better with a keyboard and mouse. Looking forward to Half Life 2. =)


I game way too much. My keyboard has the "W" worn off. LOL. I played Men of Valor all day today. Good game but if you are killed at any point in the mission you have to go all the way back to the beginning of the mission. Gets a little old after a while but puts in an element of realism into the game. I am less likely to do something stupid that may get me killed and have to redo the mission all over again. Also there is no jumping in the game which causes me to get stuck or trip up on objects on the ground. Sometimes I get caught up on something and end up getting killed because of it. Pain in the ass but adds realism once again. I bet in real life, in the jungle, one would be getting tripped up and blocked by obstruction all the time.
I still think FPS games are better with a keyboard and mouse.

I completely disagree, it just feels wrong. Sitting on the couch with a controller is much more enjoyable experience for me, as well as when friends come around for multiplayer, beats the pc layout any day of the week. I also like the feedback in the joypad controllers, helps enhance the experience for me :)
ajnsx said:
I completely disagree, it just feels wrong. Sitting on the couch with a controller is much more enjoyable experience for me, as well as when friends come around for multiplayer, beats the pc layout any day of the week. I also like the feedback in the joypad controllers, helps enhance the experience for me :)

Im with AJNSX, turn on the tv, turn on xbox, pop in the game, viola, start playing. Cant get any simpler than that.
PC vs Console... a debate that should be added to Forums Nazi's "be careful" list along with religious, political and best-wax discussions.

I prefer a PC. Nothing beats a 22" non-interlaced monitor + 5.1 sound playing a first-person shooter at 1600x1200 w/ max detail liquid smooth. Once you've experienced that, console's look dated with crappy low-res textures and simplistic gameplay ...i've said enough.

Also nothing beats multiplayer on a LAN... I've played in many 25 player games, and there's nothing more satisfying that dropping a friend in the back or with a melee kill. Even 4 player games are great; there's no need to play against AI so the gameplay is always more intelligent and challenging.

But console's are very popular. One thing i do dislike strongly are games released on console then ported to PC... very rarely are the games good. They are either over simplified or have simplified graphics & textures. Console's are always the lower denominator.

And the WSAD keyboard over a controller for FPS's has already been covered. Although controllers are better for other games. ie. car racing.

Please remember this is my opinion, and in the same way I respect your opinions please respect mine. Let's all be nice. :)

<B>steveny</B> : i had an eye on MoV (loved Medal of honor) but read a lot of mixed reviews and bugs (like the sound not working for Audigy owners). So i'm holding off on this title... maybe the bugfixes will resolve things and add a jump button. ;)
I think it's because mouse is easier to aim than controller. :D

In console land, we call using a controller "skill". Any neophyte can use a mouse. I've played games both ways and found using a mouse is just way to simplified. No one, I mean no one is that good at aiming a gun. A controller puts an element of realistic compromise into the game.

As far as image quality however, the choice is obviously in the computer's favor. :(
Juice said:
In console land, we call using a controller "skill". Any neophyte can use a mouse. I've played games both ways and found using a mouse is just way to simplified. No one, I mean no one is that good at aiming a gun. A controller puts an element of realistic compromise into the game.

As far as image quality however, the choice is obviously in the computer's favor. :(

Totally agree :D
NeoNSX said:
I prefer a PC. Nothing beats a 22" non-interlaced monitor + 5.1 sound playing a first-person shooter at 1600x1200 w/ max detail liquid smooth. Once you've experienced that, console's look dated with crappy low-res textures and simplistic gameplay ...i've said enough.

Also nothing beats multiplayer on a LAN... I've played in many 25 player games, and there's nothing more satisfying that dropping a friend in the back or with a melee kill. Even 4 player games are great; there's no need to play against AI so the gameplay is always more intelligent and challenging.

That sums it up nicely. PCs definitely have the one up in terms of processing power and graphics. I don't agree that the "simplified" nature of using the mouse takes away from the amount of skill needed. I find it annoying that using controllers limits my player control. There's a high degree of skill needed aiming and moving effectively with the mouse. Most PC players use the mouse for steer also and use the keyboard for forward, back and strafe movements. Maybe if u're playing a realistic game like Medal of Honor having the computer restrict your movement to what's realistic for an actual human makes sense, but in a game like Halo, Quake, Half Life the better you can control your character the more enjoyable the game is. The melee games are all about having the quickest reaction and best aiming skill, no need for the PC to even out the playing field.

On the other hand, of couse, if u're playing with a bunch of buddies in a split screen game the consoles work out better. I guess the 2 platforms will merge eventually when "Media Center" style PCs finally take off.

Neway, now i'm gonna shut up because I've already made myself sound like a complete nerd debating the benefits of using a mouse in a fps game :p