Half century mark

1 August 2003
I can’t believe it I am turning fifty this year and because of this I am thinking of taking a trip for my birthday. Here are the places I am considering The Marriott Curacao Beach Resort, Windjammer Landing Villa Beach Resort in St. Lucia or a 10 Day Greek Islander to Santorini, Mykonos & Athens. If anyone has ever been to any of these locations please chime in, also if anyone would just like to give their 2 cents please do as all points of views are welcomed.:smile:
As chance would have it, I am also turning 50 in about a month and a half.

I've done the Greek Islander thing -- there are pluses and minuses to it. The big plus is that you get to see a lot of different islands and locations. The boat is basically a big floating hotel that follows you around from one beautiful place to another.

The downside is that the character of an island completely changes when the ship's in. All the prices go up to gouge the tourists, and any local charm is washed away by crassness, both by the natives and the visitors.

That said, I'd still recommend it. It's a great holiday.
Thanks for your insight flaminio these are things I will take into consideration. The geek island thing I will just be taking a boat to get to the different locations. Once I am there I will be staying in hotels a couple of days at each destination. I am torn between taking a trip where I will have to be on the go seeing different sights or on a trip just kicking back being on island time and taking in some serious snorkeling, swimming, dinning, etc.

Happy early birthday!
Can I join you?:tongue: I have no idea,nor any plans for my 50'th:rolleyes: I've never considered bd's as very important for myself...my wife and kids make up for that apathy though:smile: I have spent 2 weeks in mykonos a long time ago,duing europes summer holiday season,and it was a wild time,kinda like a spring break UN style.we rented motorcycles a small villa and had a blast.
My wife and I did the mediteranean cruise thing for our 25th anniversary and it was the best vacation we ever had. The cruise did hit Athens, Mykonos, and Rhodes. As a regular cruise it also hit Naples, Rome, kusadasi Turkey, Cyprus and Egypt. We also hit Venice as well. All places were awesome and we felt very safe except in Egypt and that was before the revolution since it was 4 years ago. I heartily recommend the trip. I have not been to other places you mentioned so I can't speak to them although we have been to many places in the Carribbean. Either way have a great time as a fellow person aged 50 welcome to the half century mark
For my 50th I bought an NSX -- from me, to me (took me a year to actually find the right car).:biggrin:
i have been to santorini and mykonos,both are wonderful,especially santorini.there was a huge volcanic explosion there about 1500 bc,and you have these amazing views from the cliffside that was created.it's one of the best places i've been.i would try to go spring or fall,though,i imagine it could get pretty overrun in the summer.
Happy 50th birthday to all. Whatever you choose I'm sure will be awesome. I've been to Crete before and loved it. But you will love whatever destination you choose. Please share it here!!

For my 50th I bought an NSX -- from me, to me (took me a year to actually find the right car).:biggrin:

You're not 50, more like 25!!! :biggrin:
Congrats on your milestone. :smile:

I will be hitting the half century mark on my next Birthday also. :frown: Turning 30 didn't bother me, but 40 sure did. At that time I decided to exercise more regularly and watch my diet. Now that 50 is on the horizon, I am even more focused on staying in shape and healthy so I can enjoy my later years.

I don't really have a vacation planned for the Big 50, but you got me thinking!
Congrats on your milestone. :smile:

I will be hitting the half century mark on my next Birthday also. :frown: Turning 30 didn't bother me, but 40 sure did. At that time I decided to exercise more regularly and watch my diet. Now that 50 is on the horizon, I am even more focused on staying in shape and healthy so I can enjoy my later years.

I don't really have a vacation planned for the Big 50, but you got me thinking!

You know what they say - 40 is the new 30, and 50 is the new 40. So you're not old bud, you're still less than half way through an awesome life! :biggrin:
You know what they say - 40 is the new 30, and 50 is the new 40. So you're not old bud, you're still less than half way through an awesome life! :biggrin:

Thanks for the encouragment! I think all my toys help keep me active also.