H-Town Summer GTG

25 July 2004
Houston, TX
H-town NSX-ers, ..
I think we are due for a get together and a drive. It's been quite some time since our last drive last year. (Yes, there has been a few get-together-s, but I don't recall any driving trips since last year).

I'm thinking of either first or second weekend of August for this, I'd like to know y'all's thoughts on this, and the routes for the drive.

On Google maps, I've created these 2 driving routes, .. Please check it out and see what y'all would prefer.

1. Easy drive and lunch in Galveston, or make it a small 'picnic' at Galveston state park.

2. A more interesting drive through the hill country outside San Antonio. This is the trip that SamBel put together last year and it was so much fun driving through those twisties outside San Antonio. This will be a full day trip, but we have the possibilities of the San Antonio or Austin folks joining us.

Well, .. post your thoughts and hopefully we'll have a summer GTG in August!! :smile:

Cheers .. Gus
I vote for the SamBel drive! I've missed every single one....so I'm eager to see what it's all about. :smile:
!st weekend of August is a no go for me. I have a bachelor party trip planned.

2nd weekend is fine.
I'd be up for twisties. First week of August is a no go, but maybe second. Sept is good if it get out that far.