Guys and Marriage

9 February 2004
Orange County
At what age did you think about settling down? My best friend says 25. I think that is still somewhat young. My apologies to those of you who are commitment-phobes. :p ;) :)
MsKadyB said:
At what age did you think about settling down? My best friend says 25. I think that is still somewhat young. My apologies to those of you who are commitment-phobes. :p ;) :)

I am 38 and I am just starting to think about it now.
I got married at 28. I think that was a good age, but I could certainly see waiting longer. However, if you meet the right person, go for it.
I was married at 19, done at 39, still enjoying single life at 56.
Married at age 23, Still happily married at 37. If you meet the right person I believe anytime after you have finished school and have a good career path is the right time.

For some it may never happen for others it might happen very young, every person is different.
Married at 22 divorced at 40, the only thing I regret is not having children. B4 I got married a wise older man told me join the Navy and see the world and then settle down. Good advice that I did not follow but remember to this day.
i've noticed that women place a lot of importance on this question. And when they get close to the ideal age they've set for themselves, they start getting anxious they'll always be alone, and that they're getting old and all that nonsense. So personally i think the whole 'ideal age' thing is unhealthy.

I don't think it's one of those questions that most men really think or care about. It's the right time when the right girl is on the scene. LOL... although some young guys think it's the right time to get marriage after the first couple of dates. :p

But to answer your Q <B>MsKadyB</B>, for men i guess between 28 - 32 is a good time. By then you're not meant to be as foolish, you'll be established financially and (most important) you already have the NSX. :D :D Traditionally women prefer to be a bit younger than men. But IMHO, there's really no rush.

BTW, loved your little apology to CP's... lol... wouldn't they avoid a topic on marriage? :D
It depends on the two people involved, and how they feel with each other. Setting a general age range is difficult..we're all the same, but different.

If I had married at age 25, I'm almost positive I'd be having a difficult time now, and not have done things or met alot of the people I have.

We just celebrated our 6 month wedding anniversary. I got married at age 45, and can honestly say it was worth the wait.
I got married at 23, which in retrospect was way too young for me. We got divorced after twelve years. My ex-wife is five years older than me. She actually initiated the divorce, saying she still had things she wanted to do. By that time we already had a son. He was only five when the divorce went through, and it was, and still is, very difficult on him. At sixteen, he has a lot of sadness in him, which breaks my heart.
I think upper twenties is the minimum age smart people should even think about getting married, and wait at least five years to have kids. Having children will not make it easier, and in the short term will not bring you closer together.
There is a lot of wisdom to the recommendation of "join the Navy and see the world first" . Do the things you dream of before settling down. The dreams that require another person can wait till your older and have a clearer understanding of what it is you really want out of life, and in a partner.
And remember, the grass is NEVER greener on the other side of the fence. All lawns can be beautiful, but they all take a lot of work to keep that way. Weeding, watering, mowing and fertilizing are even more important in a relationship.
Wow, your comments are pretty insightful. My friend and I were up talking about marriage this morning. I'm not even sure how the subject came up! :o :p But we were talking about dating and whether or not it's a waste of time to date someone if you know you can't see yourself marrying them. I'm 21, btw, and my friend is 23, so this conversation is somewhat surprising. We both just graduated from college, so we've been looking at things like marriage in retrospect.
I'm 30 and just beginning to think about getting in the mindset of being a future husband. I'm not involved with anyone right now and I think it is the best time to ponder on it. When you're with someone, I think it just clouds your judgement--too much emotions involved--but that's just my opinion. I've pretty much done a lot of the things I've wanted to do: travelled alone, travelled with family, got my dream car, bought my toys, dated enough women to zero in on the characteristics of what I'm looking for in a wife, etc.

Anyway, at 25 it would have been too young for me. Heck, I wasn't even ready at 29 when I still had my girlfriend at the time. The big 3-0 is not the same for men as it is for women. In their late 20's, women start worrying about their biological clocks ticking and are a lot more motivated to get married. I've noticed that women in the 25-30 age range are much more inclined to leave their man much more easily if there is indication that he is not ready for the big commitment. As opposed to girls in the 20-25 age range who have more patience and tend to stick by him until he is ready. This worries me because these women would put more emphasis on marrying someone instead of marrying the right one. This sense of urgency is not as prominent for us guys until we start knocking on the door of 40.

Someone once told me that the grass is definitely greener on the other side of the fence. But you don't know how much fertilizer it took to keep it that way. :D

BTW, I realize that things I've said in this post are generalizations. Keep in mind they are just my opinions. You are free to refute of course. ;)
i think 28-32 is probably ideal. It was 30 for me, and it really took that long for me to be ready for the committment. My wife was 26.

There is a baseline of maturity that is necessary to make a marriage work. Most days i have it..;)

Gonna be 31 this year. IMO, getting married before 30 was not an option. If I don't have kids by 35 or 35 I getting something cut. Anytime after 30 is a good time to be married. Mostly depends on finding the right one and what you want from to do with the rest of your life. Right now I still like getting asked" Damn!!! what sport do you play????" when I roll out in the x!!!:D :D I think the older you get the less crap you accept and the easier it is to be single.
Thirty one. Cannot put a time on marriage. Two people have to be in the same "phase" of a life-cycle and intent to commit.

Going out with someone with no intention of marriage is a good question. I went out with a smart, beautiful girl for five years. After a certain amount time you need to make the decision; settle down or break up. Break ups are very painful when your not ready and the other person asks what was the point of going out in the first place!

However if you never date, you'll never get the feel for the type of people you like or get along with. Some people never get a chance to date at all and are lonely for their entire life, think yourself lucky!

Putting an age limit on something so life changing is doomed to failure. See the world and experience life first, nothing worse than regretting things you never got to do in old age ( I'm told!)
Speaking as probably the most recent NSXPrime member to get married (April 30, 2004) I waited until I was 36. First, I hadn't found the person who I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I had broken off an engagement when I was 30. Ans second, I wanted to wait until I was comfotrably established within my profession and decent assets already built up.

There's nothing wrong with waiting a few more years as 50% of marriages these days are destined for failure. Not a very good statistic and one reason why I waited until I knew my wife was the one for me.
Got married at 26 she was 25, I Loved her the first time I saw her. Told her she was going to fall in love with me and marry me.
July 4th we celebrate our 13th anniversary, her 38th birthday, and the 4th of July... I have never been more happier in my life.
2 beautiful daughters, My wife and myself built our companies and careers together.. We started at Circuit City as our first jobs as Grown ups... I went into management, I fired her, in a good way, and paid for her to go back to school full time.

We have gone through the leanest of times together as well as the fattest... Could have had plenty of notches in the belt, just wasn't what I was looking for... I get to buy whatever I want within reason, I get to go wherever I want when I want, as long as I don't neglect my family... I don't have to worry about any BS.
I still get the star treatment, I still get all the attention, I got my best friend around me all the time... No ifs and are buts about it, I am a better person becasue of her... If you have a good one you better grab em quick..(KO):) All of that other stuff will be meaningless in the grand scheme of things....

Okay, she's not over my shoulder anymore, Damn this marriage sh%4 is putting a cramp in my.... JK
Hold em if you gotem....

Yeah I am in love with my wife and kids.. I ain't going anywhere, not even for that supermodel that I used to date...

Overweight, Loud, opinionated, and mean.. yet she still smiles and tells me she loves me everyday...

On another level. In 12 years I will be 51, (If I am blessed to be still on this earth) my kids will be locked out of the house, I will still be young, I will spend a many of days wiping my babies off in the Garage, No kids, Just me and Mama having a ball...
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Ko-nsx said:
Right now I still like getting asked" Damn!!! what sport do you play????" when I roll out in the x!!!:D :D I think the older you get the less crap you accept and the easier it is to be single.

They say that because they're too scared to ask you if you sell drugs.:D Hidden...
Jealous, They ask me what sport did I used to play.:)
Then they just say forget it and commence to try to get what they think I may have... Don't get played...
MsKadyB said:
Hmm....what are you thinking Kevin? :p

It was something VERY dumb so I had to edit it out.....

But I do like this quote " Love is the only emotion that most closely resembles insanity":p
Married at 21 (she was 19) but we decided to keep pursuing our career goals. I travel a lot and she comes with me often. When we got married we said we'd wait 5 years and have lots of fun before having kids, well 5 years came and went, then 10, now 15 this year and well... o well.... I guess we are still having fun! Its nice having a blast and doing anything we want and whenever we want! At 36 and 35 respectively we're thinking more about kids. Hope its not too late. :eek: Oh and if kids do come...i'm sure they'd be a blast too!

EDIT: If I had to do it all over again... i'd wait til i was 30.