Guy goes blasitic on TV and he's exactly right.

Who is this guy? Nice change of media actually seeing someone preach the truth.
And the really messed up thing about this, is the video was uploaded at the end of Oct and nothing has changed.

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Great thread, will read again. Dylan Ratigan for financial adviser.
Great post.

I totally agree with Dylan's assessment of the problem; we have a bought congress and it is up to the president to start fixing it.

He'll get to it after he raises the $1,000,000,000 he needs to get re-elected:frown:

Why do I feel like we are circling the drain?
Great post.

I totally agree with Dylan's assessment of the problem; we have a bought congress and it is up to the president to start fixing it.

He'll get to it after he raises the $1,000,000,000 he needs to get re-elected:frown:

Why do I feel like we are circling the drain?

A bought president to fix a bought Congress?? :biggrin:
Boy, he hit the nail on the head. Great Commentary!

We the people need to take our country back from our corrupt government. I have already started hoarding guns and ammo...:)

Kinda makes me want to head for the hills, live off the land and get out of the rat race.
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It's a breath of fresh air. Now, will rational change occur to begin the process of regaining our political and economic freedom so we can take another breath and another? I doubt it but have hope nonetheless. The "Take Wall Street" movement shows a growing fed-up populace may be able to create real change to address some of the systemic problems the moderator so soundly expounded upon.
I like what this guy said. I don't know if it will change anything, but I agree with him.

I have a question though. There seems to be alot of people out there that seem to know what all of the problems are and have all the answers. But you don't see them run for office to be able to fix them. Why not?
I like what this guy said. I don't know if it will change anything, but I agree with him.

I have a question though. There seems to be alot of people out there that seem to know what all of the problems are and have all the answers. But you don't see them run for office to be able to fix them. Why not?

Because to be successful, you have to become that which you do not want to be. It becomes a downward spiral.

If you could take money out of politics, a lot of what ails the government right now would be fixed. But I don't think that is feasible or even possible. Money will always affect politics on some level.
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you only need to observe your local town/city/state officials to know that coersion/graft/corruption are inevitable/expected. The local contractors want and need certain "favors" exemptions, contracts for municiple work, ect.......all can be bought for a price....when these same folks get to DC the numbers just get bigger and the pork projects larger.....our system has been fine tuned for decades...change I fear will not come easily.
Someone tell me though... How do you fight corruption when you can't even see it? I mean we elected these congressmen as a whole. I bet everyone on this thread thinks they "know" and others don't. Its not just congress, your media is bought and paid for too. And that's our source of "news". Again, some sit and think maybe for everyone else, but THEY watch the "right" network. How do you fight the corruption when it's all packaged and sold?

Ultimately however, you're only going to slow things down at best, not stop or reverse them. Humans are greedy creatures. Greed causes corruption. As soon as you plug one hole, another is created.

Why is our news given to us by for-profit companies that have a conflict of interest in what they deliver? There are certain things in life that should NOT be run as a business. To me, the news is one of them. Made me sad the other day because Hrant's daughter Posted here and young people like her with an idealistic vision, have no choice but to function in a corporate setting whose overall motivation is profit not transparency.
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