Gull Wing Nsx

latest scissor-door car


See more pix at


See it at this Italian Car Show in NYC -- 9/19 to 10/6
Originally posted by Nsxotic:
There is a company that does this for about 3k. They use the NSX as their advertisement. It actually looks fantastic although I would never do it to mine....... unless I had a fairly high mileage one that I was going to keep forever and showed or raced it. It really does look great on an NSX. It should've been that way to begin with. By the way, they are not 'gullwing' but rather lambo style; kind of forward and up.

This tease is too great. Where did you see this advertisement. I can't seem to find it anywhere on the net, or any other NSX door conversion photo. If there is a shop that has tackled the NSX and has done a good job of it, I would like to devalue my car further in the eyes of others. The more I P.O. the NSX purists, the sunnier my day becomes. I hope to one day devalue my car so greatly that other owners will actually pay me to leave the scene.

Seriously though, does anyone have a clue of where I might be able to find the group Nsxotic writes of?
Originally posted by Juice:
If there is a shop that has tackled the NSX and has done a good job of it, I would like to devalue my car further in the eyes of others. The more I P.O. the NSX purists, the sunnier my day becomes.


Seriously though, does anyone have a clue of where I might be able to find the group Nsxotic writes of?
any more updates on this??