Ill bump this as someone thats owned >three< NSXs in the past (incl being one of the few lunatics who bought an actual new one in 03), and a 911 and now a GTR.
The GTR *does* look much better in person, IMO, but *is* an odd design.
The idea that "no one looks at it" is preposterous. I'm a straight shooter and have no reason to exaggerate this because I dont really care... but the GTR gets *massive* amounts of attention. Before I bought it, I didnt believe it. Now that I own it I can tell you its true. The attention you get in the GTR is actually almost a downside. It's positive, but it can get wear you down a little when you just want to come and go.
The maintenance exaggeration is total BS. Use an independent period.
Dual clutch tranny fluid change is expensive on *any car*. It was expensive on the EVO X MR I had in between last my NSX and the GTR and it is expensive on GTR. People are talking about things they dont understand in most cases. My EVO X wanted tranny fluid change at 30k mi to the tune of about $1200. The GTR wants it at 30k mi as well (newly updated interval - original was 18k) for about $1600. At an independent it will be cheaper. Dual clutch is simply an expensive part. I totally understand why some would want to stick with 6MT (either for easier/cheaper maintenance or for the fun of it), but the GTR is *not* disproportionately expensive as a DCT.
EVO X MR had Brembos as well (and yeah, these are *real* Brembos on the EVO and GTR) and Brembo rotors are expensive on any car; no getting around that. You can go aftermarket and save a ton.
Nissan wants you to *always* change pads + rotors. So you just dont if you want to save money and dont need rotors. Doing all four rotors and pads was about $2200 on the EVO (at the dealer) and was about $4000 on my 911. The GTR at the absolute high end would be $7000 using the dealer, at top of the line pricing, and all OEM parts. These are also *much* bigger, better, brakes than I had on either the EVO or the 911. Going with aftermarket rotors saves thousands and they are arguably *better* than OEM.
Its kind of ridiculous guys... How many people with the NSX religiously follow exactly what Honda says and bring it to an Acura dealer all of the time? None. Everyone does DIY or uses an independent and most stretch intervals on the big items like TB/WP. On the GTR everyone quotes *religious* maintenance *at the dealer* as what the car costs to run, *and then exaggerates it*. Like with the warranty. Its a CAR. Its a NISSAN. It doesnt have some super special insane policy developed just for the GTR to make it impossible to own. They arent going to void your warranty because you change your own oil. I mean COME ON! LOL Like ANYTHING else if you need to make a warranty claim because something breaks the car will be checked for abuse. 95% of people will be fine. 5% will not, will have a pretty unknown backstory, but will post 24x7 nonstop on the internet insisting that they did nothing wrong but got screwed because they went to Jiffy Lube. It will almost certainly be a lie or exaggeration, but thats just how the web works. Its the same with Porsche, Ferrari, BMW and yeah, Honda too

And in any event, warranties end. And they end pretty soon. Its very bizarre to hear people who own 20 year old super cars, that are a potential maintenance * catastrophe* waiting to happen, fretting over theoretical "what does the warranty cover?!?!?!" scenarios with a car they probably dont even plan to buy. If you buy *brand new*, then leave the car stock and dont abuse the F out of it. If you do that you will be just fine with pretty much any car 99% of the time. If you buy used, you almost certainly have almost no warranty left anyway. Power train is only 5 years. Comprehensive is 3.
Before I bought I spoke with actual owners at length and found out pretty much everything that floats around on the web with the GTR is completely exaggerated BS.
Glad I did because the car is amazing. I was a skeptic as well and became a believer. Looks are subjective, but there is no arguing that it is a fantastic 4 seat AWD year round driver.
I had almost gone back to the 911 and bought a 997.1T. I may some day go back to Porsche, but for now Im very glad I chose the GTR and am getting to experience another example of a true Japanese supercar.