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GT Theory SV-28 Widebody Sneak peak

Bump for some updates please

Paul, we are still working on the V2 front bumper and getting some small details dialed in for a photo shoot of the kit. V1 kits are ready for production and can be ordered at any time in your material of choice, hand laid fiberglass to full vacuum bag carbon fiber.
Been a busy 2015, didnt get to do much NSX work, but now 2016 is here and we are back at it. Here is an updated shot of the V2 front bumper, I am building the front splitter and moulds now. Should be available within 4 weeks.



excited to see what the front diffuser will look like. Any mockups?
excited to see what the front diffuser will look like. Any mockups?

We are working on the final splitter design now. I was going to make it very aggressive and detailed, but it will drive up the cost too high. More than likely I will go with a flat bottom design similar to the Sorcery splitter setup.
Here is another angle of the V2 front.
Any updates as to the goings-on with this front end or your kit overall? I'm in the market for one potentially now...