GT-R(Godzilla) vs. NSX (Ninja)

26 January 2001
San Diego, CA
racer Mike finally received his GT-R last wk. I can't believe he bought this beast as he is a light-weight Lotus nut. Over 4k lb.!!! of static weight, with the two of us in the car but the accel. is ZO6 like. Quite impressive and crazy fast. All kinds a data acquisition on finger tips. It has paddle shifter but it does not turn with the steering wheel....:frown: No shifting around corners.

two turbos are located down low thus the twin naca duct on the hood to cool them off. I am 5'8" and its hard to see over the hood and the sides(compare to the NSX)

the trick gear box is neat....its auto and manual "at the same time"....Mike saz its like shifting a manual automatically....Ok, whatever!

He is breaking her in but FWIW, Chris Wilson LoveFab single turbo from SOS can accel. stupid fast. I did not feel my internal organ was been rearranged with the GT-R.

Quite a beast and quite a car. The looks? be the judge.
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Tire wear will eventually kill Godzilla after a few laps.

I give those tires 15 min of track laps before performance falls off the deep end. 3900 lbs and top heavy design will show through all those electronics quite quickly.

As far as track racing is concerned I would like to see what it would do its second & third lap around the ring, compared to the other cars it competed with.

best motoring had trouble after only 7-8 laps @ 1 min each and claimed tire wear was starting to affect handling drastically.
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I like the GT-R, but wow, that thing is BIG.

I really like that photo. It shows the dramatic differences in design approaches. Got to see one in Alhambra and was also surprised at how wide it was. Too bad about the GPS speed limiter. Now the police can catch up to you.
from that angle the GT-R looks HUGE:eek:

:biggrin:man! its huge from ANY angle. Can you see my car behind his car:wink:

Mike said the Cd is .28....NSX is .32 right? but the frontal area is SO big on the GT-R. The underside is not completely covered. It does have a hard to notice cf diffuser.

Its a BIG car:eek:
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Most manufacturers going towards the 'Size - L' approach on high end sports cars nowadays. Even the new camo-ed NSX has grown in size a few times the current ones. And tall too :frown:
I saw one cruising around Sarasota a few days ago.

It's not as ugly in person, but it's still not going to win any beauty contests. Good thing it's fast.
Man, I'd like one just for the onboard telemetry :D Talk about distracted driving!
:biggrin:man! its huge from ANY angle. Can you see my car behind his car:wink:

Mike said the Cd is .28....NSX is .32 right? but the frontal area is SO big on the GT-R. The underside is not completely covered. It does have a hard to notice cf diffuser.

Its a BIG car:eek:

The 2005 NSX has a much better CdA than the GTR

Frontal area is where the GTR loses
Cd (Coefficient of Drag) is not the major factor its actually CdA (Air Drag Coefficient / Cd x Frontal Area)

2002 NSX
Coefficient of Drag (Cd) 0.30
Frontal Area (A) 19.16 sq ft (1.78 m2)
Air Drag Coefficient (Cd x A) 5.74

Coefficient of Drag (Cd) 0.27
Frontal Area (A) 22.55 sq ft
Air Drag Coefficient (Cd x A) 6.08

Coefficient of Drag (Cd) 0.32
Frontal Area (A) 19.16 sq ft (1.78 m2)
Air Drag Coefficient (Cd x A) 6.13

I added this info to this wiki page to show the 91 NSX, 2005 NSX & GTR :wink:
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It may just be me - but I prefer my sportscars to be sleek and light...dear God is that car huge! Its like something that Chrysler would put out! I was amazed that the Murcielego was lower than my would be totally dwarfed by that thing!! I am sure it is a great car...just not exotic enough in the looks department.

At first i really liked the new GT-R but after seeing it next to a NSX i don't like it so much anymore.

It's like a dam Truck it's large.
I like my cars low, wide and long but not high
It's a big boy, no denying that. Wait until you see one on the street before you get too committed. Also remember that the NSX is an extreme example, it's one of the lowest and sleekest cars money can buy. The NSX makes many lamborghini's look big and bloated [some of which are]. I wouldn't tell you to get lost if you tried to give me a GT-R.

Many of those pictures have the GT-R closer to the camera which is a little miss-leading as well. The GT-R is at least 3-5 feet closer to the camera then the integra is FWIW.
I too was amazed about how enormous the GTR was in person. I agree a sports car shouldn't be this way.
I believe the AWD diff takes up a lot of room in the front. it has two drive shafts(one for each diff) to take care the torque split. Man, lots of parts.

with a non-boxster type engine, twin turbo, 2 IC + plumbing, the end result is big and tall. I am surprised its not bigger!:eek:

This car is packed with electronics. Thats why its so fast.

Way too heavy to make it dance.
I loved the GT-R in person. It's not real sleek, but it feels really nice in the driver seat and has lots of technology in it. Also MCR makes a modified paddle shifter so it can move with the steering wheel, if you don't like the stationary shifters.
The pics posted above are from unfair angles. It way over exaggerated the size of the car. If the pics were from other angle from NSX or the integra closer towards camera, it will make the GTR look at least 25~35% smaller.

I saw the GTR for the 3rd time in person, but this is the first time seeing GTR was rolling on the road, I followed the GTR in my 335i. I don't see to have any problem keeping up when he rocketed off the line. I have to test drive one and see how fast it is.

I used to think the rear is butt ugly, but seeing it rolling in person, it looks so good. The front end is still butt ugly though. The GT-R is similar to R8 in a way that it looks 10times better in person.

I asked my GF if I can get GTR as a daily beater, she said yes go for it, I deserve it and if I pass the 335i onto her:eek:. I would be really surprised if I don't roll in one during the 2nd model year or get at least an E92 M3.
Anyone in the bay area that has a GTR so I can at least see on in person? I have yet to see one and just curious exactly how much bigger it really is compared to the NSX.

I think the only fair way to take the pic to show equal size is straight head on or from the direct rear view.

so with the GTR being so big, does the car have comfortable back seats?
