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GT-One v.6 exhaust on ebay for peanuts...

Re: GT-One v.6 exhaust on ebay for peanuts...I

I wonder when this exhaust is going to hit the market? I bet they will have no problem selling it for $1400. There are alot of knock offs of other exhaust. Hell, I would buy one for $1400.

very soon, the distrubitor is negotiating with the manufactor right now. The workmanship on this exhaust is awesome, I will try to get video up for you guys soon.
BTW, a NSX owner (HuntJames) got a 92 Comptech Scer NSX want to even trade his ARC Ti exhaust for mine after the trip to Austin but I have to think about it.
UPDATE: Looks like one of the vendors put a stop to my efforts; factory direct. That's what happens when you try to squeeze out the middle men. All I have to say is.. the markups on these products are absolutely ridiculous. I hope they're providing good customer service to make up for it.

It's likely I can bring in 10 units. Again, i'm not a vendor. I'm doing this as a favor.. so guys.. go easy on me on the customer service stuff. You know what I mean.

Working out pricing, shipping, and all that crap now.

PM me please if you're interested so I can keep track. I'm not going to open a group buy thread (don't you need to be a vendor for that?) but I need at least 10 before I can place the order.
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How friggin ironic. My BelCanto had the same offset. Pass tip sat higher, but a little hanger adjustment took care of that but it's just funny how they set identical.
The thing with China (and i've dealt with this before) you can pay them to build a mold for you (in this case a jig) but there's no stopping them from reusing that same mold after your first run of orders is done (unless you're Apple with the iPod). Sometimes it can be the wild wild west out there.

The problem too is that for US buyers who is willing to front the money for say a min order, and it's always cash first in China esp if you're an unknown, but who's to say you will actually receive said product in condition as promised, or with QC issues, or even receive the product at all. It's always a risk.

I hope things have gotten better now since it's been a few years for me.
I figured it wouldn't cost too much to make, even though its $1400 a piece they are still making out like a bandit.
I'd figured its probably a few hundred dollars to make one of these...maybe a little more.....well thanks for trying....not that I was interested, but at least you tried to hook up others that were interested.
business is business... i get it. if we (mostly this small prime community) continue to buy at such outrageous prices (i mean.. $2500 for an original used GTOne, $1500 for a knockoff???) then these vendors have valid reasons to be such ***** about protecting their "turf".

now i'm back to my regularly scheduled programming; my turbo fund... :cool:
I have heard this exhaust, and its awesome....At 1500.00 its a bargain, Who cares what the profit margin is or where its made? I don't see anyone bitching about the GT1 at 3k a piece.....I am on the short list for one.......Maybe if the price goes up, everyone would be happy?:cool:
Thank you for trying to save the members some cash. It was definitely worth a shot. Having just come from the Porsche 911 community, paying $2500 for a used GT-one exhaust that doesn't really give any performance increase sounds insane to me. I guess I just have to re-adjust my expectations. Thanks again.
You can sign up on youtube.com and upload it there and you can either embed it in this thread or you can just link us.
Wow sounds almost like the genuine article. If its not too much to ask, can you ask someone to film you doing a full acceleration video outside of the car so we can hear how it sounds under load throughout the entire rev range?