GROM-USB2 MP3 Car Stereo Adapter Kit


Registered Member
14 October 2009
Toms River, NJ
I am new to Prime with my recent '96 black / black NSX purchase without the optional CD Changer (probably just as well). I am looking at getting the GROM USB adapter that I listed in the title of this thread. Has anyone purchased one of these and how has it worked or are there any other brands of USB car adapters for the NSX that you have come across? Here is the link to GROM's web site and product info:

As an FYI, I have a 2010 Fusion as a company car with a USB adapter built-in to the inside of the center console and it works great! The beauty of this is that you don't need to have or purchase an iPod (which I don't); you just need a USB flash drive (which I have plenty of)!

Thanks for your help in advance!

The only guy I know of who has tried one of these had a lot of trouble with it. That person went to a good deal of effort to get it sorted out with the manufacturer, but I don't think he ever did. It is a great idea but the manufacturer didn't have the bugs worked out.

Get the USA-Spec PA11-HON or USA-Spec DF-HON adapter. They are very sturdy and reliable and you can connect anything to them that has a sound output jack. I have a used USA-Spec DF-HON I could sell you cheap if you are interested. I would also assist you (phone and e-mail) in installing it.
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Thanks for your advise Jett, but I took the plunge and purchased the Grom USB2-MP3 adapter. I received it yesterday and was a very simple plug & play. More time was spent moving music files to the "Free" USB drive that they provided. I simply plugged the adapter into the CD Changer cable in the trunk and I was playing music in seconds. For anyone wanting a USB music solution, this is great. If anyone is interested in this device, I could provide more details. By the way, this adapter also can play iPods with an additional cable, including charging the iPod and using the radio controls to change songs.
Good job DJR. I have the Grom adapter and I've had no problems with it. I bought a six foot extension cable and routed it into the cabin and I can control my ipod directly. It even sounds better than the CD changer.
Good job DJR. I have the Grom adapter and I've had no problems with it. I bought a six foot extension cable and routed it into the cabin and I can control my ipod directly. It even sounds better than the CD changer.

Let us know how the USB adapter works with an iPOD. It appears this is a new feature on the USB device. ( with the last firmware update )
If this works well, I may go this way as my Grom iPOD adapter seems to have gone missing in the mail to Grom Audio for an update. I mailed it in November and they still have not see it. :frown:
I think we're not talking about the same thing and it's probably my fault. I do have the Grom adaptor, but I don't think it's the USB one as I have the ipod touch.

Sorry for any misunderstanding.
I purchased this Grom USB adapter without the iPod cable and it is supposed to be a Christmas present, so my wife confiscated it after I checked it out to make sure that it worked OK. I spoke to a rep at Grom before I purchased it and they confirmed that this new USB adapter will also control the iPod though the stereo controls and charge the iPod with the additional cable (GROM Audio Standard (V2) iPod Dock Cable Assembly - 5V charging). Here is the link again:

Happy Holidays!

I had 2 grom units die on me, I chalked the first one up to a fluke and bought a second one, after the second one died I bought a USA spec adapter, I haven't had any problems with it yet
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Sorry for not updating this post for a while, but I was giving the manufacturer a chance to sort the problems on this USB adapter out. I had the GROM USB (not Ipod ONLY, although this one could play an Ipod also) version which has had problems since I finally started to use it. There is a problem with this device upon starting the car; somehow it makes the USB player "dead". This does not happen all of the time, but enough to get frustrated. GROM sent 4 firmware upgrades, 2 of which were complete adapter replacements. They sent the latest version 14 unit last week with no better results; failed on first start, worked on 2nd & 3rd start and failed on 4th start. I finally had enough and received a RMA to return the unit for credit. So my final evaluation of the GROM USB adapter is NG!

Does anyone have any other suggestions for a USB and not an Ipod adapter? Has anyone tried the FM modulator ones that plug into the lighter? Thanks for your help!

In speaking to the GROM technical support, I concluded that the problems that I was seeing on this device could be associated with connecting it to the CD changer extension cable in the trunk instead of at the radio itself. GROM sent me the latest firmware version #15 and I connected it to the radio directly and it has not failed once. My suggestion to anyone considering this device which I am using a USB drive with, is to only connect it to the radio directly. Good luck and I can finally say that the GROM USB Adapter is recommended!

After speaking with DJR I purchased the Grom UBS Adapter last week. It installed and has performed flawlessly even while using the CD extension line going to the trunk. Absolutely no issues.

I was one of the first to purchase the GROM audio iPod adapters and still have it installed today on my NSX (I made a semi DIY post a while back). I have not had a single issue with it to date. . .(knock on wood).