Greetings from Cali......

28 March 2002
Peter and I headed out to Cali for the ALMS at Laguna Seca and Larry B will be coming in later today. Tonight we will be having a mini-reunion and will be having dinner with Nev. Photos from the track will be uploaded later but for now we figured we would show you the boring sights from around our neighborhood out here.





:cool: Outstanding work as usual :cool:
Enjoy ALMS and say hi to Nev ( I will be putting in his battery this weekend)

Enjoy the boredom :eek: :tongue:

Peter and I headed out to Cali for the ALMS at Laguna Seca and Larry B will be coming in later today. Tonight we will be having a mini-reunion and will be having dinner with Nev. Photos from the track will be uploaded later but for now we figured we would show you the boring sights from around our neighborhood out here.





Have fun you crazy jetseters.Say hello to Nev and the fam.If you hang with the snooty:tongue: Cali crowd say Hi fo me.
bummer... sorry bout' your luck! If you want me to go for you next time instead (just so you don't have to deal with all that boredom and crap), just let me know. :rolleyes:
What on earth are the last two posts all about,,excluding mine of course.:confused:
Raining in Boston today and wishing I was going to Laguna Seca this weekend.
Thankyou my mind reading skills had been failing me in interpreting your displeasure.
Hi Guys

Sorry I wasnt invited to go along.. Lori & I could have left from the Driving
Dynamic's Course & been all tuned up for Laguna.. And even on time, as I know Roger will have something to say!! Say hi to Nev & lovely wife for me

Clem & Lori ( Soaked in CT):biggrin:
Hello All!

It's me "NSXNEV"!!! Trust me, long story with the new name........short story......Bob is working on getting my original name I entrust that is will be done soon.........he's awesome...............even though he goes to operas.

THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH FOR YOUR GREETINGS! It was a pleasure having met Pete and Bob again after quite a while. Boy, I sure do miss cruzin' with all of you. As you can tell however, from Bob's skillful photos, I have been living in a 'dump' of sorts!!! Tomorrow, Larry B. and I will enjoy one more day of sunny (yet likely chilly) weather before he too will head on back home....hopefully to tell all of the beauty that is the Monterey peninsula, so that far more of you can make the trip next year.

Alan, babe, thanks a TON for helping me out with my car!


Nev's living the "phat" life out in Cali, gone and forgot all his close friends on the "right coast" until we send our "diplomats" out to the "left coast" for a visit, now he remembers some of us!!! No more coupons for you Nev, your gorgeous wife and family (on the other hand), we miss you!!!! J/K
Hope that all is well, c'mon back for a visit!!:biggrin: